Part 1

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~Muzans POV~

I was walking down the street. Glaring at the moon. The cool wind blew as I heard yelling. I looked ahead and saw flames ablaze down a ally.

Curious, I sped over there and saw a group of young adult men shielding their faces as a circle of fire blew high in front of then.

"What did you do?!" One yelled.

"NOTHING! I just read the paper!" Another one yelled in response.

I snorted at their ignorant manners.

Soon the fire calmed down and suddenly a black cloud of smoke puff out. There stood a short female. White inhuman hair, with extremely sharp horns on top of her head. She had a blue dress that was hugged her curves and made her pale skin pop. She slashed her whip like tail two times whiling glaring at the men who had "summoned" her.

"Wow..." One breathed out.

The men blushed at the sight of the girl, while I stared at her in curiosity.

Who is she? Is she powerful?

The mens eyes soon were full of lust and being stepping forward . The girl looked unimpressed. And with one single hand movement, they all exploded. Chunks of raw meat and gallons of blood sprayed everywhere.

My eyes widened. She was most definitely a threat. She could be useful, but mainly a threat.

The girl then step forward and snatched the paper that a bodiless hand held. She looked over it.

"Gonna use me as a pleasure doll? Ha how pathetic can one be? Damn humans." She hissed and stomped on the hand.

Before I could blink, she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Who was she? Whoever she is.....I need either on my side or dead.

~Giyuus POV~(did i spell that right?)

I was on my way back from mission. My constant poker face on.

Suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared in front of me. There revealed a girl with white hair.

Assuming that she was a demon by her appearance, I drew my sword and flashed it at her neck. But as soon as my sword made contact, it shattered.

I stared at my now broken sword in disbelief. The girl turned to me.

"Well that was rude." She stated blankly.

I just remain silent and stood up straight.

The girl was pretty yes but was also a demon, who need to be slayed.

"Name." I commanded.

"Huh." She said dumbfounded.

"What is your name." I repeated.

"Oh! Im Ruki. Last name not important!" Ruki introduced with a smile. She had extremely sharp canine teeth. Sharper then any demon I have seen.

"Giyuu." I stated my name and turned to walk away.

As I walked, I felt the presence of Ruki behind me. I turned on my heel and faced the girl who was casually floating with her tail swaying.

"If you are gonna follow me, turn into a human." I snapped.

Ruki nodded and stepped onto the ground. Soon her horns, tail, and claws were gone and her skin was tan. Her eyes were a shade of blue instead of red.

"Better?" She asked.

"Good enough." I stated and walked back to the base.

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