Part 3

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Ruki floated behind Giyuu who was used to it at this point. It has been 2 weeks since they met and Giyuu has somewhat opened up to her. Today a hashira meeting was behind held. Giyuu felt uneasy about it. The fact that all of his fellow pillars do not know about Ruki. And by her appearance could be easily mistaken for a demon.

"Hello Tomioka, Ruki." Ubuyashiki calmly smiled from where he sat outside his estate. Ruki flashed up to him and hugged him, which was no surprise. He hugged her back and chuckled.

"Would you mind transferring into your human state as my other children arrive?" He asked.

Tomioka sat were he normal sat during these meetings. He watch Ruki slowly hide her horns and tail. Her white skin turned to a formal human colour.

"Hello master." A voice sounded behind Giyuu. He turned and saw the sound pillar and mist pillar. They both kneeled. Ruki had teleported behind them and was looked at them curiously. She soon disappeared again before the sound pillar could hear her.

Soon all of the pillars had arrived. The all bowed to Ubuyashiki, who smiled.

"We have a a guest. I wish for you to give them the same respect as you do me." Ubuyashiki stated. The pillars all stared at him in confusion.

Ubuyashiki nodded to Giyuu. He huffed and sat up.

"Ruki." He called.

Ruki suddenly appeared next to Giyuu, her wacky smile danced in face. The pillars all shot up ready to attack the dragon. She giggled at their battle stances.

"Calm children. This is Ruki. Show yourself." Ubuyashiki stated.

Ruki tensed and her horns formed on her forehead. Her tail slashed out. Its whip like structure making a snapping sound.

"Hi! Im Ruki! And I am~ dragon!" Ruki cheerfully said and floated. She floated behind Giyuu and rested her arms on his shoulders. The male didn't seem to care.

The fellow pillars all stood on edge, as if daring the dragon to attack.

"This is Ruki the dragon, she will stand beside us in this fight against Muzan." Ubuyashiki stated.

"Wait, a dragon? Aren't those the big flamboyant monsters?" Uzai asked.

Ruki gasped and dashed to Uzai. She held his hands in hers.

"We are not monsters! We are are merely human!" Ruki smiled before letting his hands go.

"The dragons were made out to be died out. That is quite the sight!" Shinobu clasps her hands together.

Ruki floated in the air while spinning around the pillars. Ubuyashiki smiled to see that his children are getting along.

  Fun fact!

Dragons are capable of eating humans and any other living thing. Although they only gain energy from Dragon fruits.

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