506 30 9

Host in charge: ArinStone


1. LapisAriana
2. booksR_bae
3. ILoveBeingABel
4. Akifah_R
5. ArianaJones599

Contestants: (The names are written in random order)

1. The Switch by VyshWrites

2. Deuce-ace by theskybluewriter

3. Drive me crazy by Renee_3345

4. Difference of 831 by 2006joanna_10

5. Belle by eemmanuelaaaa

6. Liam by Omniscientific

7. To the moon and back by ashlenr04

8. Cherry Blossoms by illuminate_1003

9. Since I met you by perryxlll04

10. The Boy with the Chestnut Brown Hair by jiannamarieallison

11. Undecided decision by crystallynette1

12. A Road Trip In California by _Angel_With_A_Cause

13. If We Have Each Other by aesthetic_almonds

14. The Memory of a Heart by CriticalArcher

15. Love Through SOCCER by _TheRejectedOne_

16. I can see the stars by onyeobihadassah

Have you found your name in the list? If yes, then CONGRATULATIONS! By the way, there was supposed to be 15 of you in this round but two of you got the same marks and one of you got a little bit less mark but bonus marks as well. So I had to remove one of you from the same marks but I didn't want to do that. So, I just put all 16 of you in this round.

If you haven't found your name in the list then please don't be dissappointed. Honestly if I could then I would've put everyone in this round but unfortunately we can't do that. I have checked out every single book from the first round and I have to admit I loved all of them. For so many of you, this is your first time writing yet all of the books are so fresh. So, I am so sad to see half of you go.

Please join us again next year. Because if you don't then I'll hunt you downand drag you down here. 😂😂

To everyone of you, if you're frustrated about your reads then don't be. I started my first book almost two years ago and I've seen my reads going from 0 to 160+k. Trust me it was slow but I'm going somewhere. So, don't be sad about your less reads. Make sure you have a good cover, the perfect description and a good first chapter.

To all the second rounders, we won't be starting the judging process of this round right away cause I need some more judges and I'm going to go judge hunting. So, you should start mass updating if your work is not completed. Cause just think about it, when a judge sees your book next to a completed one who do you think she would give more marks to? Remember, your whole book will be judged by multiple judges so that we can get a better insight of your book. So till we start judging start preparing to the best of your form.

That's all for now. Just a big thank you to the judges. You patiently judged the books even when I was annoying you to rejudge books, to give me marks and etc. So thank you.

Wish you all a good day and best of luck.

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