
27 3 1

This chapter is dedicated to @bakatora121

Since I had actually finally succeeding in what I had always wanted to do, I has no more need of a measly alibi so I called the police station and briefly told them about the events of the night along with the location. Once that was done, I called Jay to give him the details of the encounter and to say that he was shocked would be an understatement.

Ignoring the part of executing the entire plan by my own self, being a cop and a witness, I couldn’t move from the scene until the police and the paramedics arrived so I waited for them sitting near the unconscious body of the guy that had haunted my days and nights up until that moment. I whispered to him the story of how he had become my obsession and that I had never thought about anyone as much as I thought about him and that I was glad that I could finally move on and live my own life.

It was still surreal but I kept looking at his face to reassure myself that I had single-handedly done it, that I was free of the curse of Enrico De Leon.

Once the chief arrived followed by a lot of backup and media, he praised me for my bravery and told me how proud he was in front of them after I accounted all the events of the night and their proceedings to him in private but if his expression was something to go by then he didn’t look proud, more like a combination of anxious, terrified and livid.

After the media was informed of everything they needed to know and I was checked by the paramedic for the small gash of blood down my arm, I was allowed to go back but just as I was about to walk all the way back, the chief offered me a ride back home, his eyes full of murder. I hesitantly accepted after I realized how tired I was and how impossible it would be to keep walking for two long hours in my current condition of depleting adrenaline.

The second the car started moving, the chief turned to me with a solemn expression, looking at me in a way I was dreading all night long. “Did I ask you to go after the whole damn gang, Officer Martin?”

“No sir but since I got a tip, I decided to see if it could work.” I meekly responded.

“Fuck that. Do you take me for a fool Rebekah? Do you think I haven’t noticed your unhealthy obsession with the Deosene over the years?” he spat at me, livid.

“With all due respect sir, I haven’t done anything wrong and I won’t be caught dead cowering for doing the right thing.” I informed him morosely, almost able to feel the heat of his anger radiating off of his body from all the way across the car.

“I promise to you, Officer Martin, I will make you regret these words. Your stupidity is going to cause me a lot of anguish but I will make sure that you pay for it all in advance.”

“I single-handedly took down one-third of a gang, Sir. I’m not afraid of some corrupt, middle aged, bald-headed, pot-bellied Chief.” I regretted it the second the words left my mouth.

“How dare you?” he bellowed, but since I had already dug my grave, it was probably time to lie in it too.

“Consult the mirror sometime, Sir.” I smiled sweetly at him but shivered inside.

I heard him grit his teeth but thankfully he didn’t reply after that. The second we reached the station, I ran as far away from the chief as I can and was hit by yet another impulsive idea as I walked towards the prison van that housed the fallen King and told the guards that I would take over from there. Making sure Enrico couldn’t escape, I decided to take him on a ride around the city, as a way of celebrating my conquest.

Even though the people couldn’t see inside the van, it still made me feel powerful. I felt divine for having achieved what I secretly doubted I ever would.

“You will regret this.” I suddenly heard for the second time in that night.

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