After Bane

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Folk Customs

Due to the geographical reasons, the crops here are extremely in shortage. However, the jewels and beasts’ fur of the Northern Vale are extremely famous in the Land of Dawn. And that’s how the sea trade of the Northern Valers becomes prosperous. Therefore, many Northern Valers become either fishermen or pirates. Obviously these two occupations are totally different. Those who choose to become fishermen can only drive their rugged fishing boats, either with their families or with their partners, to catch fish. Then, they sell them to the businessmen. Every day, the fish they can catch are so few and they ca barely depend on them for a livingly. On the contrary, the pirates are there to plunder ships passing by to get brilliant profits. Meanwhile, those pirate bold enough will try to catch those giant and strong sea beasts, which can be sold for numerous money.

The pirates are usually well-organized. They act together and can go very far away with their giant ships. Besides plundering business ships, they will hunt for giant sea beasts, because the profits a beast brings exceed far more than plundering business ships. However, high profits always go alongside huge danger. Those beasts are not only huge in figure, but very cruel. They can do every kinds of horrible things.

Compared with ordinary fishermen, the ships of those pirates are so much bigger. The ships are tall, wide and heavy. Even in the most thunderous ocean, they can sail steadily. Moreover, the pirates installed giant horns at the front of the ships and put numerous cannons at the side, to attack other ships.

Besides ships, the pirates of Northern Vale have developed various delicate instruments to hunt sea monsters. To those pirates, experienced and hard-working sailer skillful in using harpoon and diving make the perfect candidate for captain.

The time-honored culture stimulates the development of Northern Valers, who make a living by the side of sea. Under such circumstances, famous navigators come into existence this way. They sail fearlessly in the board ocean and search for the broader world unknown.


"AFTER BANE died at sea, the pirates who once served him were plunged into chaos. Some of them fled. Others were reformed, becoming fishermen. Still others rose up again, fighting one another for territory. Sigismund and his men belonged to the latter group. They had just fought a fierce battle, and suffered heavy losses.

That night, when Sigismund was alone, contemplating his next move, a shadowy figure knocked lightly on his cabin door.

""Your captain has returned."""

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