My Life Begins

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I was born in the early 2000's in Panama Florida. My mother had just given birth to a baby girl. They called her Elizabeth after the meaning of God's oath since she was Christian. My father was either drunk or not around,but I still loved him. He would always buy me gifts. Behind closed doors he was an awful man who hurt my mother. He kicked her and her unborn child out of their once shared room. I was only a young child and didn't understand that I would be living with a 'parasite' for the rest of my life. I was the favored child between me and my sister;I had a room,she and my mother had the couch. I still had a brother and sister. There is still a memory I think about to today.


One day,a day I didn't understand;my mother had just taken me home and told me to go get my stuff and pack up;I had been living with my 1 sister and 2 brothers. I didn't know I'd have 4 more. It was fun with them. But I went with her. I told her not to take me or go. I knew we shouldn't have gone even as a child. Mother always said I could see the future. To this day she says that she should've listened to me. It was pouring and there was a black van that belongs to my sister. It was sleek,she was everything new,she could practically see every beautiful design that could be made. We packed our stuff and said goodbye. I hadn't understood why. I thought we were sleeping over at a friend's house and that's why I got my stuff...right? We had arrived at a trailer parked by 4 cinder blokcks. Inside I didn't know was my father,which I didn't knew I had;I thought it was normal for kids to not have a dad and only special kids got to and...I wasn't special like everyone else. The house was close to my grandmother,Mrs.Iris. We call her that and we call grandfather Mr.Ruben or Ru for short. I was excited and happy I could make new friends. I did. They were amazing and we'd have sleepovers planned by my uncle and aunt. They were cruel,they had a paint stir that they called Mr.Popper,they called it that because they'd, "Pop you're butts if you make any noise and DON'T tell you're mother because it's our authority! That goes for all of you,even if you're not our neice! I have permission from you're parents!" They would then at night give us popcorn and oreos. their house had a wooden floor that they'd always complain about the scratches from the dogs and us. They owned a music and recording studio in their house. I remember it perfectly; it had a deep crimson red sound proof foam lining the walls,It was a cream color underneath with a set of recording equipment up next to the wall,violins and guitars were arranged by size on the wall next to the door,a microphone was propped up on a table next to the equipment. I would go in there and play drums to my heart's content. There was red and black couch that looked like crescent moon with a leather audamin. We always slept on the couch if we could but mainly the spare bedroom next to the door where their caricature hung. The bedroom had grays and blues,it was nice. It had a closet and a toy box with a bed. A tv hung up with a shelf underneath to hold CD's and VHS's. We watched Dora,Peppa Pig,and Barney. We would sit,silently because if we made noise they would hear it. We weren't allowed to make any noise at night. One day in particular I had come back from outside. I was playing with my friends and came inside with no warning. We were playing with the dogs,ZZ and Cookie. We were playing hopscotch. I came in for a glass of water and my uncle was inside. He was talking to someone about me and not knowing. That was a red flag but I ignored it and got my water. Everyone came inside after dark and we went to sleep in the room with,Kamya,Ben,Pumpkin,and Ella. We got our food and he gave us our warning and we ate and Ella,Ben And Pumpkin went to sleep. I stayed up with Kamaya who I had known since I was 1. We were inseparable. I had started to make duck noises because on the tv the person was making noises in their sleep and I wanted to be special so I made duck noises. He heard and gave me mister popper.  Only months  later we moved. I was still able to see my friends and the house was bigger and I had made 3 new friends,Jacob,Jonathan,and Timey. I was only 5,I didn't know what would happen soon.


I had a good life until my brother moved out and I missed him,I wanted someone who got me. I was sad. At this point my father had hurt my mother too much. His famous quote would be, "Put a gun to you're head and shoot,no one would miss you! Not even the kids!" I was only 6. I was soon harassed by people that I don't remember that touched me but never did anything,my mother never called the police on my father,he never did anything to me.

Skip to 7 years old.

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