Side Story

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Mother.thought she would get a baby girl did my brother but they didn't. They said that non-binary is nonexistent and anything other than straight, gay,boy or girl are made up by the LGBTQ+ community. They said that I'm still a girl and I can't be called Asher or that I can be Pan because, "I can't love all genders and non-genders that are people" mother views it as a fake and I can only be transgender but a quote I love is what you get if you look up,'Is non-binary real' is-
"Being non-binary is not just a personality trait or a phase — it’s a real identity that's existed for thousands of years." I love this. I don't know who wrote this. I just want to say that I'm extremely happy that you are helping me through my journey. Bye guys,gals,and non-binary pals!

Me And BTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang