Untitled Part 3

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I was only 7 years old when I was screaming and crying. It was August,my sister's birth month,she would turn 4 in only a couple of days. We didn't understand,she didn't understand. Our mother told us to get everything and go to her Honda that was like 10 years old,she refused to sell it. We got in and I was screaming, "I don't wanna leave daddy! I love him! You forgot daddy! NO!" I didn't understand that it was for the best. I was only 7. If you're 7 and reading this,I'm sure you're intelligent and I wish the best for you're future. "You may not understand everything but you will soon." Is what my mom would say, she thought I hated her from what my father said. My sister was only a toddler and didn't understand so she did what I did and ignored mom. We arrived at an old friends house that I hadn't seen in a year,she was a close friend along with her brother Max. Kimberly was my closest friend and her mother was so sweet,I haven't seen them since but I know they're doing good. She is 5 or so years older than me. I still remember their house;it was mostly wood with a dark finish,there was a cream colored rug in the living room. 2 brown leather couches around a dark brown coffee table in the middle. Kimberly had a room we both slept in that was a light wood and blue and white sheets,it was a bunk bed. Max had a race track carpet with a black and red bed that was also a light wooden color. I loved playing cars and nerf gun fights with him and slowly went to liking more boy activities. Around this time at school kids didn't like me. A small group of girls all hated me,Jaden,Katelyn,and Raea. They threw pinecones at me and laughed at me,I'll never forget what they did next. Jaden grabbed a pinecone stuck my shirt up on the left side and scraped it up;she told me, "This is what you get,you are ugly and you're a witch!" I started crying and cried the rest of the recess in the corner of the fence they had to keep the kids in. I still have the scar. Soon we moved and we went to a facility that takes in people who are hurt mentally. I stayed there for a year and went to a new school in Tennessee. Kids there all hated me because I was a mixed kid,meaning I come from a colored and white heritage. They said that it was one or the other. I found 3 girls like me. If you girls are reading this,I miss you and hope you have an amazing life. A girl on the first day that was pale and small with bright blue eyes and light brown hair looked at me and smiled. She walked over and smacked me in the face and said the cheapest line in the book, "Freak." I cried and the teachers didn't care. They would hand us books from the grade under us. I had friends there,I still miss them. I moved to a small apartment and moved to a school. One day I went to my church and there was a girl that was about as tall as me;she had big curly hair that was pulled,pale skin like paper. I scooted closer to her since she looked nice,she looked nervous and scooted away a bit. I said hi and she said nothing. After the service we wait for our parents to pick us up. I went to her and said, "Hi my name's Elizabeth,you can call me Liz! Wanna be friends,also so you like horror games!? I like Five Nights at Freddy's!" She looked at me and said, "Yeah,I'm working on a Mangle costume for Halloween even though it's in a couple months."  I was excited and we.talked until my mom picked me up and we left. A month later was a festival and bible camp;I was 9 and she was 8. We were friends and spent all our time at church talking and becoming best friends. She gave me her number and we started talking and going to eachother's houses.


I woke up late because it was the weekend and I went to the living room. I sat on the floor, and colored. Soon I heard yelling. It came from my moms shared room with my moms boyfreind. My mom stormed out of the room and saw me. She Ignored me and walked into the kitchen. My moms boyfreind, Chris, followed after her. I went into the kitchen and stood by the opening. She picked up a knife. I was terrified. I started crying. She put the knife near her throat. Oh god. She was crying, hyperventilating. Chris grabbed the knife from her and put it back. He comforted her and they sat at the kitchen table. What happend next is a blur. A year later, I was 8, and there is a night I will never forget. It was around 1 in the morning, and i wanted to go to bed but wasnt allowed to. My mom told us to get in the car. Me, my brother, and little sister went outside and go t into the car. I asked where we were going, and she said we were going to get my medicine. I belived her at the time, and we drove off. We were on the edge of town before the cops were behind us. I was grumpy and tired, so i thought nothing of us until  when we pulled over, they pulled behind us. Now i was scared. The cop got out of the car and went to my moms window. She rolled down the window and they talked for around 5 minutes. Then he asked her to step out of the car. She did as he said, and they went to the cop car. Another cop came to my window, and i rolled it down. We talked about me, and my favorite hobbies. He went away and called my dad. My dad came and picked us up, and when we got to my grannys house, which is where he lived, she was up and I couldnt go back to bed. We had school, but we didnt go. Chris picked up our little sister, since they lived together. That is a night I will never forget. A couple months later, at my church, I was planning my costume. A girl who looked bout my age, sat next to me. She said "Hi! I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz! do you like fnaf?" I said yeah.  "Im actually working on a mangle costume!" I said. We became inseparable. From that day on i knew i could count on her.I gave her my number and we talked everyday from then on.

Me And BOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora