May 28th, 9:37 p.m

403 13 10

"Hey, has anyone seen Brandon?" Zoey asked as she stepped out of the dance floor too the food stand

Nikki thought about it "Yeah I saw him walk out of the gym, he seemed to be uncomfortable so I kinda wanna give him some space"

Mackenzie who was eavesdropping (because why wouldnt she) came in and said "Well he HAS been gone for a while-"

"Its only been 7 minute-" Zoey states

Mackenzie ignored her "-and the nights almost over, dont you think we should go look for him?"

Nikki said "I mean I guess, the night is almost over..."

Nikki wasnt gonna lie, she was pretty worried; she had never seen her boyfriend THIS distressed. Plus the night was almost over and she wanted  to have at least one more dance with him, the dance she DREAMED of with him.

"Ok girls, let's go look for Nikki's boyf!"

Chloe chimed in "Yeah! Let's go!"

"Where did you come from-" Mackenzie commented

Nikki ignored it, Chloe kinda shows up unexpectedly anyways "Alright, cmon!"

They all jogged out of the gym and stood started searching, but they soon realised that they had no idea where to start

This confusion ended up to Erin

"Erin, Sup girl!" Zoey blurted. Erin was sitting next to her locker on her phone reading what looked to be Harry Potter fanfic but Nikki didn't mention it.

"Oh hey, do you guys need something?" Erin asked in a humble tone. She was so calm and collected

"Yeah no shit why would we be talking to you if we didnt?" Mackenzie snorted

Erin just smiled and ignored her

"We're looking for Brandon, have you seen him..?" Nikki asked with concern. She was REALLY starting to hey worried now

"Oh funny, Max was wondering the same thing! He went into the boys bathroom."

Zoey looked surprised "Max? Oh yeah now that you mention it I haven't seen him in a whole either..."

"Yeah, Max said something about" she put her hands in air quotation mode " 'relationship problems'  so I was a little confused there."

Everyone looked at each other.

Relationship problems? What problems were there? Nikki rarely had any arguments with Brandon, so what could he be upset about..?

Zoey mumbled "'s true..?" No one else heard it but Nikki. The statement confused her even more-

Chloe chimed in "Well thanks Erin, you're the best!" And she rushed everyone to the bathroom.

They all walked to the boys bathroom in silence, with Zoey being somewhat in the lead; she was wearing combat boots so it wasnt too hard to hear her stomping feet.

They got to the bathroom and waited by the door.

No one had actually been into the boys bathroom (other then Mackenzie for obvious reasons). They didnt even know if they were aloud to go in.

Nikki chimed "So...who's gonna open it-"

She was interrupted by Zoey forcefully pushing the door open and stomped in. No one else knew what to do so they just waited by the door.

Nikki said "Zoey be careful we dont wanna get in trouble. Besides they're probably not even in here-"

 Besides they're probably not even in here-"

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Zoey kicked the stall door making it hang off the lock

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Zoey kicked the stall door making it hang off the lock. The door swung open and the two boys came tumbling out. When they landed on the floor we all finally got a good look at them;

Brandon fell on top of Max, who's polo wasn't buttoned and hair was a mess. Brandon's button up was only halfway buttoned with equally messy hair. Zoey stood over the two boys while Nikki Mackenzie and Chloe stood by the door, dumbfounded

"Brandon...why are you in the stall with Max?" Nikki asked, stills stunned

Mackenzie blurted "Isn't it obvious?! THEY WERE MAKING OUT NIKKI HOW DENSE CAN YOU BE-"

Chloe put her hand over her mouth and Zoey just starred down at them unfazed.

Brandon stood back up stumbling a little "Nikki it's not what you think-"

"Oh I know EXACLY what's going on!" And with that Nikki ran out.

Brandon tried to catch her but Zoey stopped her "Sorry dude, the damaged is done..."

Max stumbled back up as well looking embarrased "Oh jeez...I'm sorry I-"
"Shut up Max" Zoey said "I knew you werent into me for a while. But, you didn't have to make out with the guy Nikki was dating. What goes through someone's head when they do that?"

Max and Bradon looked ashamed. They didn't want to look at anyone so they just put there head down.

Chloe was still trying to process what she just saw, this was exactly like what those fanfic dramas she read.

It was silent for a while. Thay is until Mackenzie chimed in

"So guys fuck or-"

"NOT KNOW MACKENZIE!" everyone blurted


Nikki was outside of the school sobbing into her arm. She couldnt belive her boyfriend would do this. Was he really gay?
No he couldnt be, he had least had to be bi, why else would he be dating her for so long. But if he was he would tell her, they told each other everything. They were supposed to be the perfect couple, so why did this happen?

She pulled out her phone and called her mom.

"Hey mom...its getting kinda boring here...can you drive me home..?"

💫Brandon's Little Secret💫(Dork Diaries) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now