May 31st, 10:30 am

319 11 8

Nikki P.O.V

Its officially been 2 days since that trainwreck of a prom happened. I honestly just stayed in my room and cried the whole weekend and I even tried to stay home today, but mom forced me to go anyway. I honestly just wanted to curl up in a ball and DIE.
My girlfriends have been texting me all weekends, and I appreciate they're concern but I'm just not in the mood. Plus, Brandon tried to text me too and of course I didnt wanna reply. Just so much as thinking his name makes me wanna vomit. I dont even care that he's bi or gay or whatever, it's the fact that he hid it from me for so long.

So now I'm in History class trying to focus on taking notes instead of the prom disaster.

Now normally this would be fine, but something isn't so fine...

Max is in this class

He sits across the room from me, but I think we can both sense the awkwardness... should be fine, we usually do independent work in this class so I can probably go through the class without him-

"Ok class today we're doing a group assignment" the teacher calls

Oh no

"Adam...your partner is Kai. Asher... your partner is Troy. Iris...your partner is Tyler..."

As he went through the list of students(very slowly might I add) I only wished I could he paired with anyone BUT Max, and I assume he wishes the same.

"Cecilia...your partner is Anne. Robert...your partner is Pennelope..."

Maybe lady luck will be on my side and I can get away with this-

"Max...your with Nikki..."



I had to move and sit next to him for the assignment which was making a presentation on any infamous person in history While everyone was already talking about who they wanted to write about, Max and I just sat on opposite sides of each other not ...

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I had to move and sit next to him for the assignment which was making a presentation on any infamous person in history
While everyone was already talking about who they wanted to write about, Max and I just sat on opposite sides of each other not saying a word.

Please god let me have one good day. Of all people why today did I have to be paired with HIM, the man who my boyfriend tongued. Do you really hate me that much??? Did you WANT to make my highschool a living nightmare-

"Joan of Arc"


"Joan of Arc...we should do out report on her..." Max repeated

"Oh...yeah. Sure." I replied quickly. I tried to sound like everything was alright and not awkward, but I can tell it didn't work.

Maz opened up his computer and opened the Google Slide while I stayed looking away.

"Um...who's Joan of Arc again." I asked quietly

Max turns to me "What did you say?"

I repeat a little louder "Could you remind who she is again..?"

Max chuckled a little bit "We did a report on her in the beginning of the semester, don't you remember?"

"Oh right! Sorry, stuff like that kinda goes over my head I guess haha."


"Sooo...why did you wanna write about her specifically..?"

Max smiled slightly, but just barely "Well, if I'm being honestly theres this early 2000s MTV show with her character in it...and since we're talking about people in history she just kinda came up...all the characters in the show are famous dead people so I just cherry picked one I guess."

That sounds like Max. He always had a guilty pleasure for early stuff like that, and he's also a huge nerd.

I laughed "What, so this show has he walking around spewing inspirational war quotes?"

"No actually, she was a huge goth!"

"Wow, even better!"

We both laughed, forgetting about all the utter bs happening in the present. For a second things were actually normal. But after we stoped laughing it was somehow back to quiet typing and research. But, I at least hope that we might've cleared some air...

After class I went to pack my things. I was about to put my notebook in my backpack when I heard Max's voice

"Hey Nikki..."

I turned to him "Yeah?"

He looked at me in the eyes and said "Look, I'm really sorry. And I know that a simple apology wont make up for what I did but I know I fucked up and I totally get if you dont wanna be friends anymore. But, I just hope it wont be super awkward and weird the next time we talk. So can we just forget this happened..?"

This was the first time I've ever seen someone look so genuine when making an apology

"Yeah...let's just forget this happened. It may take a while for me to adjust to it though, so would you mind just giving me some space outside of school."

"Yeah I totally get it! Trust me I wont speak up unless you're comfortable with talking again."

I smiled "Thanks Max."

I continued on with my day like any other. Well, Mackenzie was at her locker talking about if I ever wanted revenge she could help because she took a pic of the two boys on the ground and she could use it for blackmail

"Thanks Mackenzie...I'll uh...consider it." At least she cared right. Besides it's not Max I'm mad at, it's Brandon for totally cheating on me. He's probably the one who started this whole thing.

Then there was Chloe and Zoey who were blabbering on and on in gym talking about how they were there for me if I needed anything and they were there to support me and all that fun stuff

I'm glad they have my back, they really are the best friends in the world!

"You guys really are the bestest friends any girl could ask for-"

"Yeah honey that's great but please never talk like that" Zoey said

"Yeah girl we love you but this isn't freshman year pack it up Hanna Montana"

There were times where I saw Brandon in the hallways and as much as I wanted to punch the blonde streaks from his hair I just turned the other way because I'm better them that

Once school ended I was on the bus when I saw a text

From Brandon

Jeez, he really thinks I wanna talk to HIM.
Well, maybe ONE peak wouldn't hurt. Just to see what he said

I opened the my messages app and tapped the name "Brandy💖💖"

Yeah I gotta change that

The message read
Met me outside Fuzzy Friends at 6 pm please. I just wanna talk

Jeez now I gotta decide whether I wanna see him again. After everything that happened do I really wanna hear him make up excuses for cheating on me. But then again, he might actually have something to say, so I might as well go. Just to see his ugly face cry 'cause I wanna see him suffer and all.

💫Brandon's Little Secret💫(Dork Diaries) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now