Cactus x Cash

537 8 13

Requested by crystalplaysgamz

Setting: Cactus develops feelings for his best friend cash and also develops the hanhaki disease

Cactuses POV

I glance at the clock in my classroom after this class is lunch which is the only period I have with my best friend Cash. The bell rings and I get up and quickly walk to the cafeteria

"Cash hey!" I run up to him and sit next to him

"Oh hi Cactus what's up? He smiles at me I feel my heart skip a beat

" I-" I clear my throat "Nothing much"

"Boringgg, Cmon something interesting had to happen!"

I lost all words I just stare at him and feel my face heating up

"Yo Cactus you good?" He says nudging me

"H-huh oh yeah sorry I got distracted"

"By what my amazing looks~" He playfully flirts with me making me smile

I giggle "Yeah sure"

"I know I'm so hot I turn the straightest man gay," He says. At this point, he was just fueling his ego

"Pfft I'm pretty sure that's not how it works"

"I know...Oh, I saw this really cute guy today!" He says smiling

I instantly feel heartbreak I feel like it's a little hard to breathe I cough "Oh really t-that's nice" I cough again

"Woah Cactus you ok You need some water?"

"N-No I'm-" I cough "Fin-" I cough again "Fine.." I cough again and again "I'm gonna go to the restroom" I get up and run to the restroom

I cough while running to the restroom
Once I reach the sink I cough up blood and flower petals I just coughed up blood and flower petals I look down "W-What h-how" I turn on the sink and wash up the blood and petals

I hold my head and take a breath but I notice it was harder to breathe I walk out of the restroom and sit next to Cash

"Oh hey, bud you ok?" Cash nudged me with a worried look on his face

"Cash stop worrying I'm fine!" I give my best attempt to fake a smile but you could tell it's fake

"Cactus..." Cash says putting his hand on my shoulder "Please tell me what's wrong"

"Cash I'm telling you I'm fine I promise." I gently take his hand off my shoulder


"I'm. Fine. Don't worry about me ok?" I smile at him again to ensure I'm fine

Cash frowns at me "Cactus p-"

"I'm fine" I interrupt him and I start to cough again

"Cactus let me help," He says putting his hand on my shoulder again

I shrug him off "You don't need to help I'm fine Ca-" I cough again "Cash.."

"A-Alright ok"

The bell rings I grab my stuff and head to the restroom to have my coughing fit cough, cough, cough, more petals and blood I sigh and wash up the blood and petals then walk out of the restroom

~ A few weeks later ~

I looked up the whole flower petal thing on the internet and it said I had the Hanahaki disease which meant I was in love with Cash but don't think he'll like me back, otherwise known as unrequited feelings. I sit down at a random empty table and stare at the table

"Hey, bud..." Cash sits next to me and smiles

I instantly start to freak out and try to breathe but the flowers made it hard I cough again. I had the same problem even alone it just got worse each second of each day

"Bud you might be sick you might need to stay at home," Cash says looking at me with a worried look

"Cash I'm fine It's probably sore throat or something I'm fine" I smile at him again

"Fine whatever I just want to help you you're my best friend Cactus!" He says giving me a hug

I immediately push him off and start coughing again No no no not now! I cough again and again I quickly get up and go to the restroom I stop right in the hallway cough cough cough, petals... I freak out how do I clean this up? I decided I wouldn't be able too and walk back to the cafeteria and sit down in my seat. I see Cash his head in his hands looking like he was about to cry

"C-Cash are you ok?" I say worried out of my mind

"Cactus I feel like you're avoiding me..." He says looking up at me

"Cash It isn't like that I-" cough cough cough a quarter of a flower with blood all over it

"OH MY GOD CACTUS ARE YOU OK?!" I see people start to look in our direction mumbles and whispers coming from everyone

"I-I Cash I-" I cough again and again and again Everyone stares and whispers

Cash stares back at them "Mind your own fu--ing business!" Everyone looks back and 'minds their own fu--ing business' as Cash put it

"Cactus when h-how?" He says picking up the part of the flower

"C-Cash I have this disease I-" cough cough more flower petals

"It's the Hanhaki disease you can get it from unrequited feelings" I kinda mumble the last part

"Y-You like s-someone?" He says his voice shaking

He clears his throat "Hey Cactus whoever you like I'm sure they'll like you back I mean looks at you who couldn't fall in love with you?"

"You apparently" I mumble and cough again

"Did you say something Cactus?" He says looking at me

I didn't want to suffer anymore I wanted to tell him but he didn't like me like that but if I didn't tell him I well have I higher chance of dying I-

"Cash I-" I cough again "I-I" Again "I..."


"I-I" I stare at him for a short while grab his arms and interlock my fingers with his "Cash I Like you like a lot'

He stares at me blinking a few times "Cactus..."

"Oh..oh no no no no no no!" I let go of Cashes hand "No!" I'm going to die I'm going to die

"Cactus calm down I feel the same way I just didn't expect it!" He hugs me and I feel it easier to breathe I smile and hug him back

The bell rings he kisses my cheek "I'll see you tomorrow Cactus." He smiles at me a grabs his stuff and walks off

Finally now I can work on my other stuff thank God TwT hope yall enjoyed UwU

Flicker ships (❌)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora