Lukey x Vinny

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Requested by kalimoo07

Prompt: Good and bad team Lukey is The dark psychic and Vinny is the Psychic (based off something that actually happened in a flicker game)

Vinny's POV

I was up in this forest that seemed to be an old camping site I get up and see my best friend Lukey

They glanced at me and walked towards me "Vinny hey what are you doing here?"

"I actually have no idea" I nervously laugh

They give me a shy smile and we sit down "So uhm how are you?"

"I've been good nothing interesting," I say rubbing the back of my head

"Oh I-" Everything goes dark it goes silent. I feel Lukey hug me in fear cuddling into me and grabbing my shirt. I smile and wrap my arms around them

I hear stabbing sounds and screams and giggles all of a sudden it's easier to see. I hear Lukey sigh and write something in their journal. I let go of them and write something in my journal

Lukey look at me a frowns "Vinny I trust you ok I'm going to tell you something but not here follow me-"

They get up and holds my hand and as we cross the river and go into a cave with a campfire inside we sit down and looks up at me "Vinny I-I'm the psychic"

My eyes widen They can't be psychic I'm psychic I clear my throat "Which one?" They look at me "The good one..."

"You're lying to me I'm the psychic Lukey" They look up to me shocked "P-Please don't tell anyone I want to help the good team, please!"

"Alright, evil just for you" I smile and pat their head. I see them blush a bit and hide thier face. They looks up at me and gives me a hug I hug them back as they put their head on my shoulder

After the voting is over we start to walk out of the cave when all of a sudden, Dark. Lukey panics and hugs me tightly I smile at them. After the light turn on they let go of me

"S-Sorry Vinny" they say their face pink

"Hey it's fine I dont mind really!"I pat their head and smile at them

They smile back at me and stares at me for a short while My eyes travel to their lips I go closer to them and grab their chin pulling their face closer to mine. They have a shocked expression as They stare at me "V-Vinny what are you-"

I kiss them they close their eyes and wraps their arms around my neck as I grab their waist and pull them closer to me. They pull away their face red "W-Why did you..."

I smile at Them "Because I like you" I run my hands though their hair and play with it gently

~ Near end ~

"VINNY APHRODITE IS EVIL" Lukey says running up to me "We need to tell everyone!"

Lukey and I walk up to everyone "Guys aph is evil"

"WHAT NO IM NOT" Aph walks up to us


"You're evil" A girl says pointing at Lukey

"Yeah but aph is the murderer! Yall should vote her off first!"

"For all we know we know you could be lying about aph-" a boy says walking up to me

"Why would we lie? We have no reason to" I say pushing the boy away from me

Lukey got voted off

"NO LUKEY" I scream not getting the chance to say good bye


Lights turn off and I feel a sharp pain in my chest as I fall to the ground.

I wake up to see a sleeping Lukey next to me in bed I scratch my head "What a strange dream..." I mumble Laying back down and snuggling up to Lukey

Eyyyy its finally out well hope you enjoyed make sure you request story's or i wont make any :>

Update! Lukey came out as non-binary we love that for them! I have changed the pronouns for them so yeah! (This change will also happen in The Lukey x Alex and Lukey x Vinny 2 :>)

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