So Cute

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(Warning: Contains topic of sex. if you don't like don't read and wait till next chapter. :) Also this takes place a few weeks after the last chapter. Ik a lot of time skips.)

Shinsou POV:

Denki was curled up in my arms with his face buried in my chest. I decided after a while to go get coffee. Walking down to the dorms kitchen I pulled out a pot. My favorite mug with a purple cat on it was filled quickly. I was about to walk back up to the dorm when I spot my father sitting on one of the couches looking at me.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked patting the spot beside him

"What do you mean, I'm always up this early." 

"Is Denki in his own room?"

"What's with all the questions?"

"I just need to speak with him." With that my Aizawa got up and walked up the stairs to his dorm. I didn't stop him. The only thing he'd find there was my hoodie and a sleeping Denki.

-Time Skip- (bc I can)

Denki POV:

I was sound asleep when I heard a soft knock on my door. I was reluctant because my head was slightly spinning from my heat. got up and answered it. I was a bit shocked to see Aizawa-sensai at my door.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" I asked nervously taking a small glance to Shinsou's purple cat hoodie laying on my unmade bed.

"I wanted to talk to you about something about... Shinsou." I relaxed a little bit and my curiosity kicked in

"Yeah, what is it?"

"It's heat season and I don't know if you've taken your pills yet." Surely even he could smell it on me.

"No I haven't... wait can't you smell it?" I asked a little awkward about the question

"I lost my sense of smell." I tilted my head "Long story short, I broke my nose and lost the ability to smell."

"So what's the problem?" I asked trying to get back on topic

"Shinsou doesn't know how to really control himself so if you can try and push away. As much as I would like you to have pups you're way too young." Aizawa seemed to tired to deal with this shit. Way too tired.

"I hate to ask but what would you do if I did, have pups that is, like now? I'm not saying that I am." I stated quickly before he could jump to conclusions.

"Well, I would hope you both would be good parents or brave enough to get an abortion."

"I don't think I'm brave for either." I shuttered a little at the thought of being a parent. Did I hate kids, no, of course not. Did I picture myself with Shinsou in the future, of course! I may come off as stupid sometimes but really I try and think things through. And I know for a fact that Aizawa would kick me out if I had sex with Shinsou that or he might not want me over for another family dinner.

"If your mind is made up then I'll be leaving. Oh, before I go, Stay in your room. You might start some other alphas' rut." With that Aizawa left. 

Closing my door all I wanted was to curl up and make my headache go away. Shinsou came in to cuddle but I had to push him away. I knew that he could smell my heat scent. It triggered something. 

"But why push me away?" He whined

"Because I'm not ready yet."

"And why is that?" I was almost in tears. Did I want to? Yes, yes I did. Was I ready to sign my soul away to the possibility to being a parent yet? No, I'm not ready for that to happen if it does.

"Because I'm not ready to be a parent!" I almost yelled, tears running down my face.

"Denki, there is something called birth control." He put his hand on my shoulder and kept it there

"But what if it doesn't work." I whimpered

He hesitated for a moment before stating the kind of obvious. "It will work, I promise. What do you think I went to the store for?"

"How would I know?" I calmed down a little bit

Shinsou didn't answer but pulled out the bag that he somehow hid under my bed. He pulled out a pill package and a small box of condoms. "See? I won't let anything bad happen." He handed me the pill package. I read it.

This drug contains products that stop pregnancies and work during heat. The effect of these pills only lasts for two days. For Omega use only. 

I read the two sentences over again making sure. "Are you sure this will work? What if I forget to take it?" My head was spinning again as I sat on the bed on the bed in return.

"It'll work and you will take it. You will take it now so that way for the rest of these next two days nothing will happen."

I only nodded taking the box back to the bathroom. I took the two pills like suggested and waited. My headache cleared but I was still overheating like crazy.

(Sorry this chapter is a little shorter hope you liked it. Author-chan out)

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