Chapter 7

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'Ugh, I'm so sore.'

I winced as I rolled over on my bed. Groaning, I looked at the time. It was almost 11 in the morning, yet I had absolutely no inclination of getting out of bed. Inui's training regimen for Kaoru and I had become even more brutal than it was before, leaving us with a combination of aching bodies and mental and physical exhaustion. Yet, Inui decided that we still haven't been working hard enough, and so whenever he thinks we're slacking off, he threatens to bring some concoction called "Inui Juice". Of course, I have no clue what that is, so it gave me no more motivation than before, but the moment those words reach Kaoru's ears, his entire body breaks out in a cold sweat and an aura of fear and disgust emits from his being. Kaoru begins to train at a totally inhuman pace, doing everything he can to avoid his imminent demise that will be brought upon him by "Inui Juice".

When I first met him, I never would have thought that Inui could be such a sadist. Personally, my first impression of him was that he was an intelligent, yet shy boy who wasn't used to having girls around him very often. When I first started training with them he would get flustered so easily when I spoke to him or if I accidentally bumped into him I thought he'd explode. But, he's gotten used me being there now, and he doesn't get too flustered around me anymore, which could be attributed to how boyish I've always been. Inui and I have become pretty good friends in the time we've been training together (I even call him by his first name like I do Kaoru) and I can see why Kaoru thinks so highly of him. Inui seems so calm and collected, which he is, but there's this small, yet powerful part of him that seeks out the destruction of the human psyche while pushing people to go far past their limits. He clearly enjoys our pain after we get done training with him for the day, and his evil smirk only gains more confidence, leaving us with the consequences of tomorrow, when Inui's workout regimen will be even more intense.

Thankfully, the three of us have the day off from training today and I don't have a scheduled practice either. So, now, I get to enjoy being in the comfort of my own bedroom, with nothing to do except relax in the peace and-

Buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz.

'Or not.'

I sighed as I flung my arm to the side and snatched my cell phone off of my bedside table, not wanting to move any more than needed to appease my aching muscles, and answered the call.

"If this is Coach calling us in for an unscheduled practice, I swear on my life, when I get there I will shove my boxing gloves so far up your-"


A familiar voice cut in, sounding rather amused and slightly intimidated at the same time. I recognized that voice.

"Hm? Sadaharu?"

My attitude quickly switched from annoyed to surprised, and then to a little embarrassed as I heard a light chuckle from the other end of the line.

"Does your boxing coach often call you in for unscheduled practices?"

"Yeah, more often than you would think actually- but anyway, what's up," I tried to change the subject so I couldn't further humiliate myself, though I'm sure we all know how likely that'll work out.

"I was wondering if you were free today," inquired the older boy.

My stomach sank, as I realized that he probably called because he changed his mind about not training today. Normally, I liked training with Sadaharu, but there was no way my body was up to that kind of suffering right now.

'Tell him you're busy, tell him you can't train today, tell him you are NOT free-'

"Uh, yeah, I'm free."

~I Still Hate Bandannas~Kaidoh Kaoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now