Chapter 9

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I heard snickering, followed by whispering and someone loudly clearing their throat. I felt a jerk as Kaoru was awakened from the slumber he fell into shortly after me. Since his head was laying on top of mine, I could feel the difference in weight and woke up completely. My eyes fluttered open and looked up from my resting place on Kaoru's shoulder to see two smirking faces standing before us.

"So, this is where the two of you went," Sadaharu smirked as he pressed a finger to the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses up.

"How cute, maybe we should have just left them~" teased Fuji, his grin never once faltering.

A red faced Kaoru began to hiss, "Fshuuu what are you- we- this isn't what it looks like!"

Both Fuji and Sadaharu raised their eyebrows and glanced at each other, while I just sat there, wide-eyed and embarrassed that these two of all people were the ones that found us sleeping in the hallway.

"There's no need to be embarrassed Kaidoh, every guy wants some alone time to cuddle with his girlfriend now and then."

"I told you before, I'm not his girlfriend!" I finally spoke up.

"Riiiight," Fuji chuckled and glanced down at Kaoru's arm around my shoulders and his hand still firmly holding mine. "Inui did mention that you guys haven't admitted that you like each other yet."

We noticed where Fuji was looking and I shoved Kaoru onto the floor next to me, shuffling away from him. Kaoru hit the floor with a thud.


Kaoru and I were both about to firmly deny Fuji's statement when Sadaharu interrupted, "The movie is over now, not to mention while you were gone we watched a second movie as well, so we were just about to go to the store to get some snacks, if the two of you would like to come."

Fuji snickered again, "Besides, everyone already started wondering where you two lovebirds flew off to~"

I heard Kaoru hiss next to me and looked like he was about to go pop Fuji a good one on the mouth, but before he got a chance to, both Fuji and Sadaharu already started walking away, leaving Kaoru and I alone in the hallway once again.

My gaze met Kaoru's, and then we both instantly looked away. Kaoru got up and held out his hand to me, offering me help up.

"U-um, thanks," I muttered and grabbed Kaoru's outstretched hand. He pulled me up and we walk down the hallway, returning to the living room.

Oishi noticed us walking towards everyone, "Hey, where have you two been?"


"They were cuddling in the hallway," Fuji snickered.

"And I do believe they were holding hands as well," added Sadaharu.

"You're right, they were."

Fuji and Sadaharu exchange looks again, and Oishi, Kawamura, and Ryoma give us surprised looks while the other just two stared at us, completely dumbfounded.

"No way! You mean Viper actually got a girl?"

"Oooooh, who knew that Kaidoh was such a lady killer?"

"Kaidoh's a stud."

Kawamura smiled at me and Kaoru, "I had a feeling you guys liked each other-"

"No way! You guys are misunderstanding the whole situation! Just- whatever! Weren't we going to go get snacks or something?" I clumsily tried to change the subject back to food, something I knew they were more interested in at the moment.

~I Still Hate Bandannas~Kaidoh Kaoru x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora