Chapter 8

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"Why are you here?" Kaoru snapped while giving both Sadaharu and I a dirty look.

"Because I was invited here, jerk!"

I returned Kaoru's glare. Though, before we could say anything else, a familiar nervous voice broke the silence that threatened to make the entire scene even more awkward.

"Hello! You're Abarai, right? Long time no see," chimed Oishi from Kaoru's left, hoping that he could discourage any fight that may or may not have broken out.

I refocused my attention on Oishi and sent a smile in his direction, though inwardly cringing at the use of my last name. When you grow up with six siblings, being referred to by your last name can get very old, very fast. 

"Hi, Oishi! It's nice to see you guys again. Oh, and you can all just call me Rena, by the way."

"Why don't we continue the pleasantries inside of the house," Sadaharu interjected, attempting to make the situation a little more comfortable for himself, considering he was standing behind me (because I shoved him out of the way) and trying to keep the door from closing on me.

We all nodded in agreement, following Sadaharu through the doorway and into the living room, which barely had enough space to fit all of us. Albeit a bit cramped, we all made ourselves comfortable. I took a place on the couch between Sadaharu and Fuji, Kaoru sat on the arm of the couch next to Sadaharu, and the rest moved the coffee table out of the way so they could sit on the floor in front of us. Absentminded chatter quickly overtook the silence of the room.

"Since when do you wear outfits like that," Kaoru asked abruptly. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to sound as sarcastic as it did, but I couldn't help responding with an equal amount of sass.

"Since it became 90 freakin' degrees outside and I haven't done my laundry," I snapped. "Why do you care about what I wear, anyway?"

Kaoru just gave me a dirty look and then proceeded to ignore me, as if he wasn't the one who initiated the conversation.

"I think you look very cute. Don't you agree, Kaidoh," Fuji teased leaning in Kaoru's direction, his smirk so naturally gracing his lips. Kaoru's cheeks went red, which caught the attention of the other boys in the room.

"Ne ne, Kaidoh why is your face all red, nya~" Kikumaru interjected from the floor, following Fuji's lead. "You do think she's cute, don't you? You like heeeeeer~"

Kaoru stood up and was about to tear into Kikumaru, but Fuji's comment cut him off.

"Hey, Inui," Fuji began, turning his head in Sadaharu's direction, "how does Kaidoh feel about you inviting his girlfriend over to your house without telling him?"

An evil grin broke out across Fuji's face as Kaoru and I stiffened. Sadaharu smirked back at Fuji. The undivided attention of the boys on the floor was focused on the conversation between Fuji and Sadaharu.

"Oh, he gets quite jealous, even if I simply talk to her. I can only imagine how angry he is right now."

"I am not jealous," Kaoru growled in Sadaharu's face menacingly.

"And I am not his girlfriend," I said, turning to Fuji, giving him an embarrassed glared, but he only chuckled in response.

"As if! A pretty girl like Rena is way out of Viper's league! There's no way she'd go out with him," sneered Momoshiro, while Ryoma and Kikumaru giggled like schoolgirls next to him.

"What are you trying to say, punk?"

Kaoru took a step towards Momoshiro, having completely forgotten about Sadaharu and Fuji for a brief moment. Momoshiro sprang from the floor and straight into Kaoru's face.

~I Still Hate Bandannas~Kaidoh Kaoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now