11- Tooth fairy

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"Tooth fairy?"

Back at the bench I guess.

There you sat eating your scraps of food. You wondered if your mom just liked to fix you half portions of meals... or she thought you were fat.

Probably the latter.

It had been two days of this.

Since you and lev parted ways.

Lev sulked in the cafeteria with the rest of the team and you took the lonely bench you used to sit on.

You cupped your hands and sighed swinging your feet. Was the friendship you and lev had built together over tons of years gone? You looked at your shiny refection in your Mary Janes. You frowned as you felt just as lonely as you were in the beginning of the school year.

But like always Kenma was there with you.

Looking up you saw the male stand before you.

He offered you a shy smile on his lips. "Why are you eating out here?" He asked you as he slowly sat down next to you. You cupped your head looking downwards.

"I don't know... I feel weird...you guys are probably more close to lev then me so." You tried to explain as Kenma knew exactly what you were saying. He smirked lightly.

"Actually... I'm not.. lev sorta disgusts me"

"Yeah, he's a weirdo! I saw him dip a Cheeto in peanut butter!"

Kenma let out a 'pft' at you're statement. He shook his head chuckling.

"No I mean... he's gross..."

"Like how?"

"Like... in the locker room, he always talks about your body and how he's seen you naked."

Kenma was making up bullshit on the spot. He had no idea if it was true or not but he guessed since you two were best friends it'd was bound to happen. It happened between him and Kuroo.

You blushed and felt your hands creep up to cover your chest. Your eyebrows furrowed. "That's only because the idiot didn't know how to knock! And he swore to me he wouldn't tell anyone about it!" You said getting slightly irritated.

But in reality, lev didn't tell anyone about it.

Kenma smirked, this was the perfect time for him to move in close. "He told everyone in the volleyball team... I was going to tell you but I didn't when a good time was." Kenma told you. You could only sigh in response.

"The dumbo must have let it slip out on mistake."

"No, I'm telling you, he's gross. He talks about you all the time. I think he only wants you for your body."

Now it was your turn to laugh. "Kenma! Lev doesn't even know how to spell body!"

"Ehh that's fine, I didn't expect you to believe me. I just don't want lev to use you..." He said whispering the last part but you heard it.

"Use me?"

"Yeah... there's people who like to take advantage and harm others"

"I don't want that to happen to you."

"I don't want anyone to toy with you." He whispered blush appearing on his face. He didn't notice how close he was getting to you. You looked at him with the same heated face, you flinched a little seeing his fingers brush some of your oddly uneven hair back.



"So.... we're dating right?"

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