Chapter 1

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I noticed that Sara had stopped crying, listening closely I heard little snores coming from her signalling that she had cried herself to sleep. I sigh softly as I heave her up into my arms, I struggle a bit seeing as I'm not too strong, but once I get her secure in my arms I politely ask Safalin, "Can you please lead us to the exit? I believe that Sara and I are free from here." My back was turned to her because I couldn't find the power in me to look at our now dead friends. "Oh why yes follow me now Miss Nao," Safalin said walking in front of me.

She led us up the stairs that the entrance was blocked off, yet the entrance was clear now. "Here you go, I would just like to wish you both the best and I wish you a long happy life. It was nice playing with you ladies please enjoy," Safalin said, opening the door. I nod to her with a nod and take a deep breath as I step out the door, the door shutting behind me. I look around my surroundings not recognizing anything. All there is a road so I started to walk it, Sara still in my arms asleep. I began walking down the road.

I kept walking for a few hours now and I was starting to get tired. I quietly rejoice when I see a gas-station. I make my inside still holding Sara. I walk over to the check out desk, "Oh um hello! I was wondering if you could possibly allow me to use your phone so that I could call my parents," I asked quietly. "Oh sure kiddo what are you even doing out this late? It's almost midnight," The cashier asked me, handing me their phone. I gently set Sara down as I kindly take the cashier's phone, avoiding their question.

 I call my dad first hoping he's still awake, when he didn't pick up I called my mom instead. "Mmm who is this?" My mom asked tiredly. "Hey mom, it's me Nao... oh wait I'm your only kid, so I'm sorry for waking you up but I was wondering if you could come pick me up.. I'm at a gas station out of town," I take the phone off my ear to ask where exactly we are. Once I'm given my answer I tell my mom where we are.

My mom let out a yawn as she said," Okay sweetheart I'll be there soon, sit tight 'kay?" I nod even though she can't see me,"Okay, thank you mom." She hangs up the phone. A small smile starts growing on my face, it was nice hearing my mom's voice again. I sat down next to where I put Sara and wrapped my arm protectively around her holding her close to me. I sat there waiting patiently for my mom, tired and exhausted. 

Sara moved a bit in my arms putting her head on my chest. I held onto her tighter. I sat there waiting for my mom to come pick us up for an hour, she finally arrived when I felt myself getting tired. "Nao honey?" My mom said, I look up from the ground and smile tiredly at her," Hi mom." She walked over to me and kneeled down wrapping her arms around me in a hug,"Where have you been? I've been so worried! The professor didn't bring you home after you were helping him." I wasn't going to tell her about the death game. "I don't know where I was. All I know is that me and the professor were there with a few other people," I answered loosely. She lets go of me and looks at Sara," Nao who's this? Are you waiting for her parents too?" 

I look down at Sara then look back up at my mom answering," No, I was hoping she could stay with us? She's had a really stressful time and she deserves a break, also she's out like a light and I don't know where she lives. Oh and this is someone close to me, her name is Sara." I stand up and bend down to pick up Sara in my arms again, "May we go home now?" I asked. My mom clasped her hands together and said," Oh of course! That's the whole reason why I came, come on dear." She started to walk out the door holding it open for me. I make my way towards the door thanking the cashier in the process.

We headed to the car, my mom opening the back door for me. "I can take your friend so that you can get in," My mom offered. "No no it's fine. I got it," I said shaking my head. I lay Sara down in the back seat causing her to stir a bit, I hesitate before getting in. I shut the door and my mom asks," Do you want to go back to your house or do you want to stay the night? I always have a spare key for yours just in case you lost yours." I think before answering," My house please, I don't want to be a bother to you and dad "

"You're never a bother, but I'll take you home. I'll also let your dad know that you're okay." I nod. The rest of the car ride was quiet, the radio on low. The time there read 1:12 am. I lay my head on the window and stare outside. After an awkward quiet my mom continued to drive us to my house. When she made it there I asked," Do you have a spare key?" She nodded and handed it to me. 

"Are you sure you don't need help? You can't possibly hold her up and unlock your door can you?" She asked. "Actually a little help will be nice... are you able to open the door for me?" She nodded and got out the car, I handed her the key and got Sara out the car. I followed my mom up to the front porch as she unlocked the door for me. "There you go love! Make sure you get some rest okay? Let me know if you need anything, " my mom said opening the door for me.

"I will thank you mom," I said smiling, she kissed my forehead and put the key in my front pocket of my apron. "Okay goodnight, well morning." I smile softly and walk through the door shutting it with my foot saying another 'bye' in the process. I walk to my room and set Sara on my bed, taking off her shoes. I take off mine and get in the bed as well pulling the blankets over us both. I was so exhausted it was hard to keep my eyes open any longer, I quickly drifted off into sleep.

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