Chapter 3

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"Hey Sara.. we should start eating our food before it gets soggy and gross," I said. She nodded into my chest and I let her go. I take a seat next to her. We began eating and once we finished we sat there quietly. Sara spoke up and asked me," Hey Nao I where at your house but how far is it from Sonobeno High School?" I thought for a moment and said,"I believe it's a half an hour away from my college campus... it's like 40 minutes away from where we currently are. " 

Sara nodded and said," Nao.. I think my parents may have had something to do with the death game, and because of that I don't feel entirely safe going home... They're keeping something from me and I just- They put me in a situation where I could get killed! " I nod and say,"It's okay Sara. If you don't feel safe with them then don't go back. It's alright, I would never force you to go back with your parents. I promise you that."

Sara just gave me a small weak smile as she nodded. After that we sat in silence for a few minutes, nothing awkward, strained, or weird.... Just a comforting silence. I started to wonder about how long we have been gone for. 'Maybe weeks, months?' I got up from my chair, only to have the highschool student grab my hand and stand up too. I paid no mind to it as I made my way over to a nearby calendar still holding Sara's hand. 

I look at the calendar and the last time I marked it off was around two weeks ago. "We..were only gone for two weeks?" Sara whispered in disbelief,"That's such a short time for 10 people" That sentence gave me a thought I didn't imagine

Professor Mishima...










They all died in the span of two weeks... But if Sara hadn't voted for me.. They would've all still been alive.... I caused their deaths.... I got them killed just because I was too scared to die. I didn't want to die and I pressured Sara into choosing me... "Nao.." Sara's soft voice rang in my ears,"I know it's a silly question that I probably know the answer too, but... Are you alright?" I shrug and nod knowing full well that I'm lying to her. 

Sara had a small frown before it quickly went away. "Okay okay so it's currently a Wednesday and we need to discuss what we're going to do with school along with how we're going to contact each other just in case something happens." I say nodding to myself. I lead Sara to my couch and sit her down. "Are you alright with going to school tomorrow? If you want to stay here for a few days to get accustomed to everything then go back? I can homeschool you the best I can until you're ready." 

Sara looked down at her lap saying,"I think... I want to stay here for a few days. I'm not entirely ready to just show up out of nowhere." I nod in understanding. "Do you have a phone by any chance Sara? If not I could see if I could get one for you." Sara shook her head no," I mean I have one but... was in my school bag which got left at my former home... if you come with me and no one's home I could possibly—," Sara stopped mid-sentence and shook her head rapidly,"No no last time I went home and someone came with, they ended dying. I don't want to put that risk on you.

"Okay I can check my bank account and see how much I have, don't worry," I said, rubbing her back slowly. "Is there anything else that's on your mind about what we should do? I want this to be a safe place for you because you deserve it." Sara shook her head again and spoke,"Not that I could think of at the moment." "That's okay if you can think of anything let me know!"

I stood up only to have Sara stand up with me. "Hey Sara, I'm going to see if my phone and wallet are here, I normally don't bring them with me when I go to help the professor... is that alright?" Sara nodded and said,"Oh yeah.. That's completely alright it's your home I just wanted to tag along if that's alright.." I smile and say,"It's our home Sara, yeah it's okay you don't have to ask to tag along.. it's okay if you don't want to be alone."

I headed to my room with Sara following behind looking around. She took a seat on the bed when we got there. I immediately headed to my nightstand where I normally put my phone to see it still there untouched and in the charger. "Hey Sara if you don't mind could you possibly look under the bed or in the pillows for my wallet? It's black with cat ears with a little crescent moon." I heard moving from the bed as I turned my phone on and went through all of the notifications. 

80 missed calls from "(Original) Father figure 🌟"... I definitely have to call him back

20 missed calls from "B i r t h g i v e r🌟".. Mom knows I'm alright so it's not that big of deal.

Many games and emails I should most likely read...

I shook my head and decided to close all of them without reading the rest of the 100+ notifications I had. I sit on the edge of my bed and lean back checking how much money I had. "Found it!" Sara said coming up from under the bed with my wallet. "Oh! Thank you Sara I appreciate it! " I grin as she hands it to me. "I have so much stuff I need to do...," I mumble to myself. "How do you feel about going grocery shopping with me today? Plus while we're out and about we can get you a new phone."

Sara thought for a moment before doing a little shrug,"Yeah I'll go with you, I feel awkward being alone in your...our...home?" She said with a confused tone with the last bit. "Okies I put your shoes by the door last night." I hopped out of my bed and offered my hand to Sara who was on her knees, she took my hand and I helped her up.

We walked to the door and put on our shoes. I checked my front pocket for my key, phone,and wallet. When I came to the conclusion I had all of them I opened the door and held it open for Sara. "Thank you," she said as she walked out the door and waited for me. I walked out after her shutting and locking the door behind me. 


Mmm this took so long to write TwT

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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