Chapter 2

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I woke to a pair of arms wrapped around me holding me in a tight position. I blink confused on where I was and how did I get her, then all the memories started flooding back. I remembered voting for Nao, her comforting me, and the others.... I shook my head and I looked around at her room, there were a ton of paint splatters on her and art supplies scattered around her room. I wiggle a bit so that I can face Nao. I give her cheek a small tap a few times. 

Nao slowly opened her eyes looking at me, I smiled at her saying, "Good morning." She looked at me confused,"...Hhh" she groaned out as she slowly sat up. I sat up as well and watched as Nao rubbed her eyes triedly, mumbling out,"good morning Sara." I also give her another good morning. I watch as Nao slowly gets out of her bed and stretches. 

"Sorry that my room is messy, the night before everything happened I started a process of rearranging my room, specifically putting my clothes in color code. So please look out for random baskets." She then offers her hand out to me which I take. 

Nao gets me up and says," Okay we need a plan.. uh first you are welcome to wear some of my clothes for the time being, I'll show you where the bathroom is and I'll see what I can make for breakfast.. Then we can talk about what we're going to do, how does that sound?" 

"Oh yeah that works with me just fine!" I nod. "Okie dokie any preference in color," Nao asked. I thought for a moment and said," Let's go with purple, if that's alright." She nodded and went to one of the baskets on the ground. She pulled out clothes for me and handed them over. "Okay now follow me I'll lead you to the bathroom," she said. She took my wrist and started leasing me down the hall to the bathroom at the end of the hall

"Okay this is it, towels, an extra toothbrush, and such are in that closet right there and you can obviously see the soap sitting on the counter. If you need anything let me know." I smile at her and respond with," Okay thank you Nao I appreciate it." She smiled back at me nodding. "No problem, I'll leave you to it. I'll be in the kitchen which is on the other end of the hall across from my living room. I don't think you can get lost but if you end up doing so just call for me." I nodded again as she gave me a small smile and little wave shutting the bathroom door on her way out. 

'She's so kind, what did I do to deserve this kindness?' I thought to myself. I look at myself in the mirror and run a hand over my face. As I start undressing myself, once I finish I turn on the shower and get in. After I take my shower I pick up the clothes that Nao picked up for me. I continue getting myself ready and once I finish a take my leave out of the bathroom turning off the light and shutting the door.

I look around and start walking down the hall passing Nao's room. I walk into a room that has art supplies, paint cans, a canvas of an incomplete painting. 'This must be where she does her paintings' I thought to myself, I decided to leave the room not wanting to be disrespectful because she had not given me permission to come into the room and look at her art. I made my way out the room and eventually found the kitchen. 

Nao turned around and smiled at me saying,"So I have cereal! I couldn't quite find anything else so that means I'd have to go to the store which is a little bit of a bummer because I don't like going to the store, it's always too crowded and I don't like how people are either rude or annoying.... Oh sorry Sara I didn't mean to start rambling! Anyways what kind of cereal do you want? I have Lucky charms, Fruit loops, some others so have your pick!" 

"There's no need to apologise," I said, shaking my head, continuing,"Also any kind is fine, so I can have whatever you're having." Nao gave me a small grin as she went to a cabinet and got two bowels out of it, then she went over to a shelf and had to climb onto it pulling down the lucky charms. I let out a small giggle at what she did. Nao saw me and responded with," I'm too short to reach it, the professor put those up there when he was dropping me off. He had helped me put my groceries away," She let out a soft sigh mumbling something along the lines of 'I miss him' 

Looking like she was going to start crying, I walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug. She hugs me back tightly. "Hey we'll be okay Nao just like you said we'll live happily for everyone else, they'd want us to be happy right?" Nao nodded into my shoulder, she moved herself from me and said,"I'm okay thank you Sara. I feel a bit better now. Oh um is fruit loops okay?" I nodded,"Yeah that's okay with me." 

Nao walked over to a shelf and pulled the cereal off the shelf. She turned to me and asked,"Um Sara could you possibly get the bowels there in the cabinet next to the fridge." "Yeah sure here,"I said, doing as she asked. "You can take a seat at the table Sara," Nao said. "Are you sure you don't need more help?" 

Nao nodded and responded with,"It's only cereal I got it." I shrugged to myself as I took a seat at the table as she had asked me to do. I stare into my lap, closing my eyes letting my mind wander. I started to think about the previous night and as I tried to shift that thought it kept reappearing with everyone I had killed by my vote. Sou, Keiji, Reko, Kanna, Gin... It hurt to think about, I didn't want to think about it. I allowed them to die just because I couldn't take it anymore and wanted to leave... I'm the cause of six deaths, two of them children who looked up to me and considered me their big sister... How can I—

 I heard something being put down on the table and a hand being placed on my shoulder. "Sara.." Nao said and almost like reading my mind she said softly,"It's okay, remember you've done nothing wrong." I open my eyes again to her concerned pink ones staring at me. "I just- I just feel bad everyone probably died thinking that I hated them enough to do this..." Nao wrapped me in another comforting hug putting my head on her chest saying,"I know they know that you didn't hate them, you had so much compassion for them. "

"I know it hurts to think about Sara, you didn't deserve to go through everything that happened. You didn't deserve to have all the pressure placed on you when there were multiple adults who could've taken charge and given you a break. You didn't deserve to grow up so fast and make difficult choices like pushing the fake Reko. Sara, I promise you I'll never make you make so many hard choices like you did," she said stroking my hair. I eased into her arms and nodded. 


I'm sorry that this chapter took so long it was difficult to write^^

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