The abuse, great news, and bad news

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Dippers P.O.V

HI my name is Dipper Pines, i've been abused since as long as I could remember but no matter what my sister Mabel always stuck by me no matter what, well until middle school that is. She started spreading rumors around the school, beating me, and ignoring me if she wasn't harming me in any way, soon my small stage depression turned into the type of raging depression you get that causes you to do drastic things such as, cut. So that's what I started doing, cutting. I was disappointed in myself, but I was still glad I made that decision because it numbed all my pain, comforted me, and gave me a rush of pleasure every time I did it. One day I got the best news i've gotten in awhile, I was going to spend the whole summer with my grunkle, away from my abusive life! Well not including Mabel, she'll be with me the whole summer. 

I had been so exited but that only lasted during the bus ride, as soon as we got to where we would be staying I knew this summer wasn't going to be good, but that wasn't because the place we where staying was all messed up and stuff (even though that still sucked), it was because I could tell from the moment they saw us they hated me and favored Mabel, I could tell this was going to be a very very longggg summer.

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