The beginning

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Dipper's P.O.V

I was walking through the forest, with an uneasy feeling following right behind me, but not just the feeling, I felt someone else's presence. I turn around quickly just fast enough to catch a glimpse of a yellow flash of light before i'm burned to death by blue flames.

I wake up in a cold sweat even though the dream I had was probably not even close to worse than my life. I get up but feel a small burning pain in my back, I go to the bathroom, take off my shirt, and look at my back in the mirror, I then saw a tattoo like thing.

I suddenly scream with a horrible burning sensation in my back, but the thing was it was also kind of soothing, in some weird sadistic way

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I suddenly scream with a horrible burning sensation in my back, but the thing was it was also kind of soothing, in some weird sadistic way. Mable and my grunkles come bolting upstairs to make me shut up, but once grunkle Ford saw the tattoo I began to see a look of horror in his eyes, the horror of being killed.

Billdip depressed dipper (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now