Finding a safe place

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Bills P.O.V

I just couldn't stand it anymore, I couldn't stand seeing my pinetree suffer so right then and there I teleported behind for and stabbed him. My pinetree saw and had a hint of fear but also relief in his eyes. 

I unstrapped him from the table whilst Fords dead body stayed motionless on the ground behind me. 

Once I got pintree off the table I teleported him to my home in the mindscape. He tried to speak but instead passed out in my arms so I took him to my bedroom, layed him on my bed, and put a thick warm blanket on him. I was happy because I knew he was safe here.

Soon later he woke up and nearly screamed, but before he could I teleported right next to him and hugged him. A few minutes later after he calmed down he started asking a lot of questions such as....

Where did you bring me?

Was what I saw real, is Ford dead?

Do you know why he did that?

Why did you help me?

This continued for about an hour before he ran out of questions, though I was quite happy to answer all of them considering I love everything about him, even his endless rambling. Once the questioning was over I went to make dipper dinner since he hadn't eaten in awhile, although while I was making dinner a knock came from the door, I opened the door to see shooting star and Stan. They busted into the house catching me off guard enough to where they were able to shoot me with on of fordsies old demon guns, I blacked out

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