Grayson Gallagher AKA My dad.

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Grason Gallagher is one of the most important lawyers of San Diego, he's a great husband and an amazing dad. But he's life hasn't always been this awesome, he has a "dark past" that he's not really proud of but he never hides it, all my sibs and I know my dad history and how he became the man he's today. He always tried to be honest with us so we can be honest with ourselfs. To my dad honesty is the mosty important value, so he's past is part of or family history. 

When my dad was 24 he had a problem with alcohol. My dad is the 7th child on a family of 10 (My family quote aparently is go big or go home) and he's the 2nd male. My grampa was a son of an irish politician who was exiled from his country, he went to Mexico to started a new life and there he met my grandma, a cute and petite mexican lady which family was really poor. My mór (my grandpa's irish nickname) talked with my tita's father (my grandma's nickname) because he wanted to get married with her. My great-grandfather told him that my grandma's hand had a price, in the old mexican times women were sold to their husbands (like a dote). But my mór was really in love with my tita so he gave all his savings to my great-grandfather to bought my tita's dote and finally marry her. 

My granparents moved to Texas with my 3 oldest aunts to started a new life. When the 5 kid was born, they moved to California because of my grandpa's new job has a politics consultor. 

My dad says that my mór was an amazing man, he always tried my uncles, aunts and dad like equals and always tried to help them make their dreams a reality. but suddenly my grampas diabetes got worst and he never woke up again. My dad's hero was my mór so when he died, my dad got depressed and started drinking a lot. So this went on for maybe 3 years till my tita said enough, 

She tried to talk with my dad but he ignored her so she cut him up from the money my grandpa left. My dad went nuts and started to steal from his family, my grandma's and aunts's jewelry got lost and some of my uncles stuff too. so my tita and my dad's oldest brother send him to rehab. He ran away 4 times till he met my sibs mom, she was friend of one of my aunts. Of course my aunt never mention my dad problem, but she told my dad that if she wanted to asked her friend out he had to be sober and so he did. 

After 9 months my dad was clean, he spend 9 months away from everybody and reinvented himself. He was a new man ready to start he's career, he got a job in a law firm as an assistent and so my aunt finally introduced my dad to her friend. Her name was Monica an she was a publicist and she was really beautiful (or so it seems from the photos). My dad says that Dylan is just like her, he always talks with my sibs about their birth-mom even through they call my mom "mom". I guess they really missed her, at least Dylan and Brook do since they were like 6 and 4. 

When my dad was 28, he propuse. It was Monica's 25 birthday, they were on her surprise party and my dad took the stage (it was a band playing) and took the mic and started yelling her name. After 1 minute Monica was front and center smiling like a little girl, my dad was so nervosous so he start sweating like crazy. And so he started his speech. 

"Monica, you know I love you and that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. and I was thinking how my life wouldn't be the same with out you and so I want you to be in my life forever. You are the love of my life, my strength and my shelter you are basically my everything and I was wondering if you let me spend the rest of my life trying to make yours the happiest". He took a box out of his jacket and he stood in one knee. "Monica, will you marry me?".

She started crying and ran into my dad's arms. "YES YES YES, OF COURSE I WILL". She kissed him and for the rest of the night she showed her friends the ring. They were madly in love, my dad told her the story of his past and she didn't care cause she loved him and she knew that my dad when sober before meeting her. They bought a house in Santa Barbara and the family started growing. My sister Dylan was on her way and they couldn't be happier, they had a fresh start, a new family. 

Then Brook and Zac appeared, 3 beautiful girls for the perfect family, until baby number 4 was on the map. My dad was so happy when he heard that baby number 4 was a boy, he loves my sisters but he always wanted a boy to play with and teach him all the lessons my mór teached him. My sisters are all girly girl so my dad never had a change to throw a ball to them. When my brother was born, the family seemed complete, they were so happy. But when Hunter was 2, Monica went really sick, her pressure went down. She has sick for months till one day, her heart stop beating. 

My dad was a sober widow with 4 kids. He was devastated but he was strong enough, alcohol was not part of his plan. So he asked my tita to move in with him so she can help him with my sibs. My dad sold the house and move to San Diego. He had a new job, a new house and a fresh start with his family.

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