Chapter - 6

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''What did you do to her!''

I feel a firm hand grab the collar of my black T-shirt and lift me to my tippy toes. My brown hair drapes across my face. The person pulls me right up to their face, I feel their warm breath pierce my skin and I can't help but blush a little.

''What are you talking about?!'' I say trying to stay calm.

''Don't lie to me sunshine it only makes things worse.'' They say slightly shaking me making more of my hair droop down across my face.

''Where is my mother! What did you do to her!''
I look into the person's eyes, his emerald green eyes tinting with anger but also, fear?

He is scared and I can tell he doesn't want to hurt me right now, I wonder why he really doesn't seem like the one to care about me especially after what happened earlier.

My eyes stray down his face. His face is still a little red from when I slapped him earlier.

''God Xavier! I don't know where she is, ok!'' my voice rises to match his.

He shakes me again and then lets go of me and falls to his knees and starts crying. I fell to the ground, landing on my back.

I pull myself up to face him. I can see the tears falling rapidly from the face of the 17 year old in my doorway.

''Oh, Xavier..'' I say softly and crawl over to him.

I reach my hand up to his face and lift his head to face me, I Wish hadn't. His eyes were red and puffy, he had tears streaming down his face and falling to my carpeted floor. He was a mess.

I remove my hand from his face and almost fall onto him giving him a big hug. At first he seems shocked but then he slowly wraps his arms around my back holding me tightly.

We sit there for what seems like forever, I could stay there forever. After a while I finally muster up the courage to ask what happened.

''Xavier... what happened?'' I ask in a soft voice. He hugs me tighter and I feel like he is gonna crush me but all I can think about is why he is here.

''She is gone Lia... t-they found her and k-killed her.'' he says stuttering slightly between sniffles. ''I came home and she was gone, they even left a note.'' He says wistfully as he pulls away from the hug and hands me a small, tattered piece of paper.

I slowly take the note and stand up, I help him up and close the door in a not awkward but not comfortable silence. I lead him to my cosy couch that abruptly loses it's feeling of comfort as we take a seat.

I look at the note and leisurely unfold the thin piece of paper that feels so heaving in my hands. Once I unfold it I read it, there wasn't much but it definitely told us enough to now make my eyes become a little watery.

' to Xavier,
Your mother made a big mistake letting you bend our rules so we dealt with her but don't think you're off the hook, we will find you next.
And Lia when you read this we want you to make a choice, US or HIM side with your new little friend and you will meet the same fate but bring him to us and we'll tell you the secrets of the guardians...'

I dropped the note. I watched as it slowly fell to the floor my mouth hung open. Now I had to make a choice, Xavier or the guardians.
If I side with the guardians I will live and learn more about the guardians.

But if I side with Xavier I am asking for death but I could change things and beat the guardians but that would be almost impossible.

I look across to Xavier, his eyes were still red and his eyes were empty; they lost their shine. What is up with me? I have seen monsters cry before but I never blinked an eye but now when I see Xavier I, I want to cry too.

Well looks like my wish to live till 70 might be obliterated to 17..

''Well... I am probably gonna die in a week or so, so let's make the most of it and at least get rid of some of the guardians.'' I say in a joking tone although he knows I am dead serious.
He looks at me with a slightly confused look then gives me a smile not his signature smirk but a small, slightly sad smile.

I stand up and then he follows. I go to my room and start packing. I look up at Xavier.
''Once they find out I sided with you they are gonna come here so I need to pack my bags and leave before they find me.''
He nods in reply and helps me find some essentials to take with me.


We have been on the 'road' for a full 2 hours and have no plan, no money (except like $200 but that's for food. I don't even know why I am helping him. Him, what is so special about him that I want to help him.

''So do know where we can go?'' Xavier asks a little worriedly from behind me as we wander through the endless suburban blocks and parks.

I stop walking and turn to face Xavier. We are standing in front of a small park and as I look around I can see a couple of cherry  trees hiding between some willows and pine trees along the street.. I frown slightly, I think Xavier must have noticed because he gives me a slightly confused and concerned look.

''No-'' I pause, I do know where we can go but I really don't want to go there. We need somewhere to go though.

I look Xavier in the eyes. His eyes are deep and dark like the first time I saw him but now he has lost his sparkle, the part of his eyes that was always smiling is gone.

His hair that was once so nice and joyful now looks as though someone dumped a bucket of water on it.

He lost his smug smile and now for the first time ever I want him to smile, I want him to smile like the first time I saw him. His obnoxious, outgoing confidence replaced with a quiet, disconsolate stranger.

Come on... smile for me. I felt my lip shake a little. I looked like that once too. Hopeless, empty. I mentaly shake my head and look at Xavier again. I take in a deep breath.

''Yes I do. Now let's go before it gets dark.'' I say turning around trying to stay calm.

After half an hour we arrive down the darker part of town. By that I mean the part of town that seems to be literally darker and tends to have more delincints and crooks.

I stop at an old house and turn to Xavier. He looks a little confused but he seems fine for now.

''Lets just hope she is still here.'' I mutter under my breath. Xavier gives me a weird glance that I can't quite understand so I ignore it and head up the front garden.

The house had an old white gate with rotting wood and peeling paint, the garden up front is filled with weeds and wildflowers. I smile as I realize that it is just as I left it.yeah right?

We walk up onto the porch. The wood creaks slightly under our weight. I see two chairs and a small table both familiar.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door. I wait a couple of seconds before it slowly opens and reveals a small girl no taller than me.

She has neat, dirty, blonde hair that reaches down to her shoulders. She wears big red rimmed glasses over her blood red eyes. She opens her mouth in shock and reveals her sharp fangs hidden under her dark pink lips.

Her eyes are big and round as her pupils shrink in shock, tears formed on her long eyelashes, the tears run down her face and fall to the floor.

''L-lia..'' She stutters in a silent and shocked voice.

''Viccy!'' I almost shout. I wrap her into a hug.
When I finally let go, she drags us into the house and cautiously closes the door. Probaby to keep creeps out.


Word count - 1446

Hi me again. I wanted to say thanks to the people reading this- that is if there were people reading this....

Anyway thanks for reading.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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