Ages and heights

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In the prologue Virgil is nearing 15
Next chapter is a timeskip so yeah.

Virgil Cloud

Height: 6'3
Birthday: November 23rd
Relatives: Mom, and his brother Remy.
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Hair:dark Brown almost black hair that is purple at the end. Long and usually in a ponytail.
Style: Black hoodie and skinny Jean's.
Skin: Very pale
Ethnicity: Mixed

Remy Cloud

Height: 6'0
Birthday: March 31st
Relatives: Mom and Brother
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair:Dyed platinum blond, his tips is his natural colour which is dark  brown. Medium length in a ponytail.
Style: Leather jacket, crop top, skinny Jean's and sunglasses.
Skin: Light brown skin
Ethnicity: Mixed

Roman Prince

Birthday: June 14th
Relatives: His parents, Remus and Missy
Sexuality: Polysexaul( Hes attracted to males, Demiboys and Non binary humans)
Hair: Ginger with red tips. Top neck length.
Style: A jacket, t-shirt, Jean's and gloves. Usually Red, gold, or white
Skin: Tanned skin
Ethnicity: Hispanic

Remus Prince

Birthday: June 15th(born 4 minutes after midnight, roman was born at 11:58pm)
Relatives: His parents, Roman and Missy
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hair: Ginger hair with either gray or green tips. Medium length in a puffy manbun
Style: Gray jacket, green crop top, short shorts and long socks.
Skin: Tanned skin
Ethnicity: Hispanic

Logan Berry

Height: 5'9
Birthday: November 3rd
Relatives: Pranks and their parents.
Pronouns: They/He
Sexuality: Queer Demisexaul
Hair: Black hair. Medium length that is just up in a bun.
Style: Dress shirts with a necktie or bowtie and Jean's.
Skin: Medium brown skin.
Ethnicity: Indian

Patton Frost

Height: 6'2
Birthday: January 15th
Relatives: His parents and his Cousin Emile
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hair: Short,curly, light brown.
Style: Blue t-shurt with a grey hoodie or cardigan wrapped around his shoulders.
Skin: white
Ethnicity: Cocasian

Emile Snow

Height: 6'1
Birthday: May 21st
Relatives: His parent and Cousin
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pandemic(Pan and demisexaul)
Hair: Dyed light coral hair. Short.
Style: Wears graphic t shirts with a tanned cardigan or coral jacket. And Jean's.
Skin: white
Ethnicity: Cocasian

Janus Darling

Height: 5'11
Birthday: February 3rd
Relatives: His parents
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Hair:  Curly Light brown to dyed yellow. Shoulder length.
Style: Yellow or black jackets over black or yellow T-shirts. Black Jean's.
Skin: Tanned
Ethnicity: Cocasian

Missy Prince

Height: 5'7
Birthday: November 2nd
Relatives: Their parents, Roman and Remus
Pronouns: All of them
Hair: Long ginger hair in a ponytail.
Style: Depends on what pronouns they are using.
Skin: Tanned
Ethnicity: Hispanic

Pranks Berry

Height: 5'8
Birthday: July 11th
Relatives: Logan and his parents(actually is adopted but yeah)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Don't wanna a label
Hair: Short black hair.
Style: Gray and blue and wears anything.
Skin: White
Ethnicity: Not known.

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