J.D better be good

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Remussssssss POV

I have school which is a unlucky thing. But I have been on a search for people with a J name. My brother keeps making jokes about my soulmate keeps saying I'm apparently Veronica. I mean I'm a switch but aight.

There is a kid that is interested. They barely talk to anyone and I've kinda maybe been stalking them. Whatttttt, They are hot. Well he. I found out his pronouns while stalking. He seems to only hanging out with the emo Kid.

The one my brother keeps checking out. I heard someone call him J and it seemed like a parent. So maybe he has a J name. Though he is way too hot for me.

As I was sitting scrolling through notifications on my phone. I heard someone sit next to me. I decided not to look. I mean I'm sitting by a tree outside school eating lunch. I hear a faint voice and look over. I see the hot boy.

"Hiya...?" He says faintly but I blush and smile a bit.

"Hi there!" I say putting down my phone.

"I've kinda noticed you hanging near me. So I wanted to talk to you." I blushed more and chuckle. I am too obvious.

"Sorry, I just find you interesting in a way. I guess the mystery of your name and all that is fun." I say chucking embarrassed.

He smiles and I swear the whole universe would die for that smile. I know I would. "Well I can give you my name, if I got to know you of course. For now call me Dee."

I chuckle " I like a challenge. My name is Remus prince. Nice to meet you Dee." I extend my hand out for him. He looks at my wrist and blushes. Wonder why.

"Nice to meet you too Remus. So how old are you?"

I smile and say "15. I turn 15 the 15th of june. I have a twin but we were born around midnight and i was born after and he was born before."

"Oh cool. I'm sixteen. I had my birthday February 3rd." He smiles. I gasped at the date and check my phone. He raises a eyebrow. "What you looking at?"

"I had my initials show up around then and I'm trying to remember if i wrote that down. I have JD. My brother keeps saying I'm Veronica or something."

He laughs and smiles "Well I have R.P, so I've decided to say he is really pretty. Because I don't know who he is."

I smile and then realize the pronouns. "Quick question, what are your pronouns. I'm assuming you like men by using he/him on him. So yeah."

"Oh he/him! I'm very gay. I assume you are okay with that....?"

I laugh and nod "I'm a litteral frying pan. And I use he/him as well."

He chuckles and mumbles something I couldn't here. I move closer and here "I mean frying pans are hot." I blush red and he looks embarrassed.

"You didn't hear that" he says blushing

"Sure I didn't" I say smirking.

"Ssssssshut up" I open my eye and smile widely at how he extended his s

"Oh my God that was adorable!" I say smiling. He blushes and shake his head.

"Nooooo!" He says and I giggle.

We continue to talk until the bell rings and then i grab a small note and write "Here's my number: ###-###-####
call me cutie~"

Janus POV

He gave me a slip before waving and saying bye. I look at what he gave me and blushed. R P. That better be Remus prince.

Virgil raises a eyebrow when I walk in class blushing. I sit next to him and he looks at me and whispers, "who made you blush snake face?"

I blush and roll my eyes "I'll tell you later."

He pouts but nods.

Timeskip to after school

Roman POV

My brother was smirking a bit and blushing. I was visiting his room and he was texting someone. I raise a eyebrow. I cough and he looks at me blushing immensely. I smirk "so who got you flustered?"

He looks wide eyed "No one!" He says quickly

I walk over and take a look at his phone. "Possibly my JD" Is the contact. I look at him and smirk. "JD better be good for you." I say before walking out of his room.

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