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2 weeks later- I mean when they are 15 in highschool

Roman POV

God why do we move so much. My dad says we'll be here for at least a year so maybe this time me and Remus can actually make friends. Anyways, Its the morning and I'm cleaning up me and my brothers room.

"Hey Robro, we only have afew months till june. Maybe your soulmate will call you the moment he gets your number." He says trying to cheer me up

"Well yeah, let's hope. Don't you have initials but not the number?" I ask

Remus chuckles and jumps down from the top bunk. "Remember, you get initials on who's birthday is first. Then number."

I sigh as I close a box of our fake weapons. My favorite is a sword and my brothers is a morning star. "Yeah yeah I know."

We continue packing making casual conversation until Missy walks in. "Aight losers we gotta get down and put those in the moving truck." I look at their bracelet and it's a yellow one so they them today. They only told me and Remus. My mom seems fine with LGBT but my dad seems to not understand it.

~~Timeskip provided by genderfluid rights~~

I was shaken awake and groaned as o saw a Remus. I sigh and get up and leave the car to the new house. I check my phone and see a text from my- I mean uhhh- Anx

My emo: hey princey, I know you are moving but I'm bored so text me back soon ya idiot

I chuckle and smile a bit.

Me: Well I'm at the place so I will be free soon. But my brother is wiggling his eyes at me so for now I have to go. So sad, I got to talk to the dark knight yet my family is taking me away

I giggle and then look at Remus. He smirked and said "your emo huh?" He wispered and I groan rolling my eyes.

My emo: well be careful, I'll save you later. Too tired right now

Me: *gasp* Too tired to save a prince? How dare you

My emo: awww, you are adorable but I won't save ya for that.

Me: I honestly don't know to be offended or flattered

My emo: that's my purpose in life. To confuse people

Me: I mean mood but I do have to go. I'll talk later my knight.

My emo: yeah yeah, bye prince kinda charming.

I smile at my phone and then put it in my pocket and help unpack in the new home.

~~Timeskip brought by gay idiots~~

I smile as I flop on my bed. Me and Remus have separate rooms here with a  small walk in closet in between our rooms. I look at the time. Its 11pm. My emo should be up.

Me: Hey emo

My emo: what's up princey?

Me: well, I'm bored and wanna talk to someone.

My emo: so out of the many friends you got, you text me? Seems like you care for me

Me: You know I care for you! And I don't have many friends. You met me 9 months ago, you have been through two moves.

My emo: true true. but what do you wanna do

Me: Well, I'm curious, can we give eachother our names yet???

My emo: name? No. Pronouns and sexuality? Sure.

Me: Well that's good enough. He/Him and Polysexaul.(adorable males, demiboy beauties , and non binary cuties.)

My emo: well that's chill princey. He/Him, and just gay af.

I smirk. Maybe he'll like me. Probably not but a boy can hope.

Me: Awesome! Wait frick why is my brother walking through the closet.

Remus is walking through the closet

My emo: maybe he's coming out to you

Me: Really? He already did that.

My emo: well then you'll find out

Me: Well I hope nodbjsvsisgidgeu Hi boy my brother has called his emo! Are y'all fuckinghjkhdosshishskdhjs

Remus takes my phone and I tell him to get our and he send that before leaving. God why.

My emo: wait what- we aren't

Me: Sorry Remus is sometimes evil

My emo: why did he say that you called me your emo?

I blush red and groan.

Me: nOthing, you should sleep-

My emo: sure princey. I'll sleep for you. But you better tell me about that another time.

Me: Yeah. Night emo.

God I wish this ones my soulmate. If I'm that lucky then I must be in some cheesy story.

Hope y'all enjoyed that. Byeee

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