5th Time Lucky

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You were sat on you bedroom floor trying to do your homework. As much as you love the brothers and the devildom there was one thing you couldn't let slip...
There was no privacy in this place.

Knocking at the door disturbed your train of thought for the tenth time today. Before you got the chance to answer Mammon stormed into your room. "Hey human! Come with me I need your help!"

"What now don't you see I'm busy."

"But it's really important, we have to get a picture of Lucifer sleeping."

You frowned your brow in annoyance. "How many times have we tried buy this, Five? What makes you think it will work this time."

"Because human someone offered me a million grim if I can get it to them by tomorrow."

"Why didn't I guess that this had something to do with money."

---------------------Time Lapse--------------------

Two hours later you were at Lucifers bedroom door. You both knew well that he be asleep on a pile of paper work by now, there was also the problem that the smallest noise would stir him awake.

" Hey, stop looking so worried."

"How can I, we're probably going to get caught again!"

I couldn't stop myself shouting at him I was so angry that he would do this to me again. But also the fact that I had feelings for him was getting in the way. I was getting more and more upset about the fact that he couldn't read the signs.

" You won't get caught again."

"How do you know?!"

"Because, one I gave him sleeping pills hidden in his food so he shouldn't wake up. Two, I'm taking the photo."

You couldn't stop looking at him with suprise. Was he really offering to do something for you.
Before you could say something Mammon was already in the room walking towards Lucifers desk. He heard a quick click and saw a flash of lighg from under the door.

"Told you it was going to work this time." Mammon said walking out of the room.

"Oh My Diavalo, you finally did it."

"So can I treat you to dinner tomorrow, for everything you've ever done for me?"

You hugged him tightly. Maybe you would tell him how you feel tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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