The hiding of sins.

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There’s a reason why Allah subhanahuwata’ala has restricted us from certain actions. A reason why our beloved prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said, Allah will excuse each and everyone from his ummah except for those who publicize their sin. Yeah. The thing that kept me engaged for so many days now is why Allah must have forbidden the public showcase of our sins. I used to think that if we publicize our sins...people will loose respects for us. Maybe we will be ashamed to face and live in the society. But then again...our Deen is never about pleasing people. Its about pleasing Allah and when we shouldn’t care about people’s opinions. .then what difference does it make if we show them our good or bad ?
I thought again and Alhamdulillah this time...seeing some examples, I have come to know why Allah won’t excuse such person. I was scrolling through Facebook wall when I saw someone posting about the recent song they’re listening to, and someone else a movie they’re watching. Few were posting about their latest “crush" as they call it and few were busy collecting “likes and reacts" on their tiktoks. Few were listing their "ex's" and few...adding relationship status' that aren't permissible.
The comments and likes in encouragement were most from muslims. Okay...the one who were posting this stuff are muslims ! And I thought how lightly people take such things. Knowing that its not allowed in our Deen. Its a sin, and living in generation of Facebook, I don’t think anyone might have missed the reminders on music and wasting time, and immoral desires. Still they are posting it proudly. As if its the most “cool" thing to do ! Another example I observed was of revert stories. Now, its the “Eimaan booster" for many of us. Yeah. Alhamdulillah. It is. But when our revert brothers and sisters enlist their sins at the time of their jahiliyyah...some of the remaining muslims take it as an opportunity to do those acts. In a false promise to repent later. I am calling it a false promise because committing a sin by intention of repenting later is nothing but a false promise that we give to ourselves. Who knows if we’ll live until that repentance?
When one publicizes their sins,...and they talk about how they got forgiveness from it after repentance...most of the time...instead of encouragement of repentance,  it gives a back door to commit sin ! People think, if they can do it and Allah can forgive them,..why can’t we do it ? We can also repent like them ? If they can do it being a muslims, then why can’t we ?
Wallahy that’s truly a pathetic irony.
Man ! they were ignorant, while you are committing it while having full knowledge that its a sin ! Stop giving yourself such excuses.
And for those who talk about their past and present sins openly,...know that you are denying Allah’s mercy. If Allah has veiled your sins from people, let it remain hidden. That doesn’t make you a hypocrite. You can repent to Allah and your repentance for them SHOULD only remain between you and Allah. Your public broadcast of such acts can lead someone an escape hatch towards sinning. You can repent for it. But what if someone whom you’ve stimulated or triggered with your action doesn’t repent and dies with it ? Won’t it weigh on your shoulders on the day of judgement?  Someone out there might be struggling with their Eimaan, they must have been striving hard to stay away from fitnah...and your one statement, all their endeavours will collpase. Our Deen teaches us about a sensitivity towards people around us. It gives importance to how we affect them. Shouldn't it be to bring them closer to Allah instead of pushing them away from Him by guiding them towards sins ?
Think about it. If Allah is not showing it, better keep it curtained as well.

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