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Bob: Sleepyhead! Wake up...

(Message delivered at 5.15)

Sean: Don't even think I would get up before 7.30.

(Message sent at 7. 35)

Bob: hahaha cool.

Sean: Got ready?

Bob: Nope, still have time. You up?

Sean: Nope, still have time.😋

Bob: Get up. I will be leaving early...

Sean: why?

Bob: I have to meet someone.

Sean: Who?

Bob: you are questioning me like my wife...

Sean: Bo sweetheart, who are you meeting?

Bob: Someone from another department.

Sean: Date?

Bob: Maybe.

Sean: Oh.

Zhan was disheartened. He didn't know why? He felt that if the other person got committed this person would distance himself from him, that's the least he wanted. Therefore, after sending the last message he didn't check his phone. He got ready and left for the office.

He reached the office by 9.00. He went to his cabin and Yibo was waiting for him there. They had a meeting with the Boss, main heads of other depts. and team leads at 9.30 am. Zhan and Yibo had to make a presentation on the report together. But, Zhan was sad because of what Bob said and Yibo was frustrated because Sean didn't give a reply.

Yibo asked, "cant you reach at least 5min early". Zhan in a serious tone, "Nope". Both of them weren't in a great mood they knew that. So, Yibo just passed on a USB, informed him about the part he would be referring then left the cabin.

After meeting Zhan, Yibo went to the conference room. He stood outside leaning against the wall, he was grumpy for a reason but he didn't know why Zhan was being grumpy and he didn't know, why the Sean was behaving like this and left the chat like that, just then he heard a buzz he checked his phone and he got his smile back on his face.

After Yibo left, Zhan checked his phone. There were 4 to 5 messages from Bo.

Bob: what's with that Oh?

Bob: Sean, You there?

Bob: Hey, what's wrong?

Bob: Sean, I was going to meet our HR manager. Seriously, I am not cheating on you.

Bob: Goddamit give me a reply!

Sean: You sure, you are not cheating on me. 😜

Bob: Seriously, was that funny?

Sean: Why were you worried?

Bob: pfft. Were you jealous?

Sean: Shut up, I am going...

Bob: Seaaaaaaaan

Sean: Go and do your job. I will text you later.

Luo Yunxi, saw Zhan coming to the office he felt that Zhan wasn't in a great mood. He was intending to let him know that Yibo was waiting for him but before that Zhan got inside his cabin, Yibo and Zhan had some serious talk then Yibo left. They both had a poker face. But just as Yibo left and Zhan glanced at his phone, his mood was back to normal not just normal he was giggling.

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