Night 1

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"I got all worked up for nothing?" Ken yelled at the empty building. It was 2 A.M. and all the animatronics were still in their place. "I think I've been duped!" he screamed. Just great. He freaks out over murder bots just to find out that they're perfectly normal. Ken grumbled, stomping out of the office. The cameras probably recorded the whole thing. Ken was now determined to do what he came to do: look for clues about the strange thing that have been happening. He opened the door to Storage and looked around. It was pitch black, impossible to see anything. Ken had a stroke of genius. He took the tablet and switched over to camera nine, the room he was in. A little flashlight icon was onscreen, and Ken tapped it. The light flickered for a second, but didn't stay on. Ken tapped it again, but this time he held it down. The light came on and stayed on. Between the light coming from the camera and the monitor's screen, The entire room could be seen, but not very well. Ken was getting nowhere, so he left to make for the private party room. But something caught his eye. Chica was gone. He swore, sprinting back to the office while checking the camera feeds. Ken found her on camera ten, the private party room he was going to. Chica was crouching in front of the vent, staring at the camera with a creepy grin. Then the camera cut to static, and a far-off banging could be hear. Ken tapped on the camera in the air vent to his right to see Chica at the far end. Ken checked the show stage again. Bonnie was gone. After some rapid-fire tapping, Bonnie was found to be in the entrance hall, camera four. If that weren't enough, Bonnie was poised to crawl into the vent there, which would lead him to the office. Ken pressed the left button on his desk, the one labeled LIGHT. The vent was illuminated, revealing absolutely nothing. Cameras again. Chica was still on the camera, but right up at the lens now, and Bonnie had remained the the entrance hall. Ken checked the vent light again. Chica was staring into the office. Ken scrambled to get the cat mask on his head. Chica looked at Ken, puzzled at the presence of a cat in the office. She shrugged in off and left the way she came. Ken whipped out the camera. Bonnie was now in the right-side vent, Chica was in the east hall. Ken put down the monitor and took a deep breath. His heart was racing, and his hands were so shaky it was a miracle he could hold the tablet. Still slumped over the desk, he turned on the right vent light. Bonnie smiled back. Ken pulled the mask over his face, listening to Bonnie clamber back out. The camera displayed the time as 5:59. Ken sat back, sighing. It's not everyday you narrowly avoid being killed by a rabbit. The tablet rang out with a four note chime, then the sound of children cheering. Ken heard something. he quickly cycled through the cameras again. Everyone was in their proper place, it was just someone at the door. Ken went to go answer it. "Hello, who are you?" he asked.
"Hey, it's me!" the man offered, "Joseph, the day guard!"

My Protectorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن