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"Huh, hey, hey! He's waking up! Guys! He's waking up!"
Ken's eyes fluttered open as he groaned. 'What happened?' he asked himself. "Hey, if you can hear me, raise your hand," the voice he heard earlier called. Ken complied, trying to focus his vision. All he saw was a red blur in front of a big grey blur. A purple blur, a yellow blur, a brown and a green on all appeared. Five voices were now calling out, but he couldn't hear anything clearly. The world started to come in focus, and it was discovered that the blurs were the animatronics from Freddy's.
"Guys, what happened?" Ken moaned.
"Well, long story short, you were shot in the head and was stuffed inside a singing kangaroo. Welcome to the club," Freddy answered. His mind still foggy, Ken silently nodded, the implications not taking full effect.
"Do you think he understands us?" Ally asked.
"No, he's probably still feeling pretty groggy." Chica answered.
Ken shook his head, blinking away the sleep. He raised his hand to look at it. It was a dark brown plush. His feet were the same. Ken started to realize what just happened. "Oh my god," he whispered, "I'm a robot."
"Ladies and gents! He has returned from the dead!" Foxy shouted. Ken gave him a death glare. "What?" Foxy whined, "Its true, you know." Ken was starting to remember things. His family, his friends, his job, his death.
Bonnie took over. "It is Sunday January 25th. You have been powered down for exactly five weeks. Now answer three things for me: What is your name, what's the last thing you ate and what were you going to do tomorrow?"
"My name is Kennedy Johnson, I had a Big Mac, and I was going to look over the old animatronics," he replied.
"Looks like you're okay. There should be no brain damage, or in this case artificial intelligence damage," Bonnie explained, helping Ken to his feet. In standing up, Ken realized that he was now just as tall as all the animatronics except for Bonnie, due to the rabbit's ears.
"So I'm, uh, dead then?" Ken asked.
"Yeah, but that's not the worst part," Chica murmured, "The thing is, you died trying to get the Marionette to the Purple Man. You would've done it too, but the Purple Man had a tazer. He fired at the Marionette and got away."
"So, I died for nothing," Ken complained. He sat back down, discouraged. There was no way he could free himself from the Marionette's curse now. he was locked in the building, forced to sing with children by day and hunt guards by night. This was not the afterlife Ken was expecting.
"On the bright side, no-one's fixed the Marionette, so we're free to do whatever at night!" Ally smilied. Ken immetiatly perked up. He had the nights to himself now.
"I'm still going after the Purple Man. Now it's personal."
"Hey, woah, take it easy there! How about tonight you start by introducing yourself to Shannon?" Foxy warned.
"Shannon?" Ken asked, "Whose that?"
"She's the new night guard. We told her about the whole hunt thing, and she said she loved the idea! Now it's become kind of a game. So long as the Marionette is down and out, we'll just pretend! Ally even drew up a movement pattern for you!" Foxy shouted. Ally passed a piece of paper to Ken. It was a map of the building, with dots in certain rooms connected by lines. It showed him starting in the karaoke room and then proceeding through the main area, the east hall (with two separate spots), the party room and the right vent before skipping the blind spot and entering the office.
"Once you're in the office you'll stand over Shannon and give her a moment to hide under the desk. If she gets out in time you'll go back to the east hall, the position farther away from the camera. If not, then you win. Got that?"
"Yeah, okay!" Ken grinned, "I can do this!"
"Good, 'cause it's eleven-fifty right now. Shannon will be here any moment." Ken blinked at Ally, then immediately got to memorizing his route. Ten minutes later, the staff left and Shannon arrived, calling out, "Whose ready for Freddy?!"

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