Feelings & Attachment

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At first Skeppy never wanted to get attached. He really didn't, it was nothing against the sweet hybrid Bad, if anything it was the opposite. The dark skinned hybrid seemed to always be able to make him smile when they crossed paths, he would wave in the halls, and had even given Skep the tour of the school when he first arrived. A week later and he still seemed so genuinely happy to talk with Skep. But, he didn't want to let himself get too close, because if the cycle was going to repeat, just like it always did, it was best to make it hurt as little as possible when his transfer day came.

So now, one week later, he was staring at the dorm door in pensive silence, his box of belongings in his arms, and his new (probably temporary) roommate waiting on the other side. Hawkford was much bigger, and better funded than Rosethorn Apprenticeship ever seemed to be. So the increased students meant that he would be bunking with someone else, and he had no idea who. He'd been dragging his feet and dreading it from the very beginning. Now, with all of his transcripts moved and put into the system, he was assigned a proper dorm.


He sucked in a breath, pulling his hood over his head, and sleeves down covering his hands a bit. Whoever was on the other side, he just prayed would be a bit kinder than most students towards hybrids. He steeled himself for the worst, and knocked. He heard the rustling of fabric, before footsteps and a lock clicking.

"Oh you must be my new roommate! One moment!" A very familiar voice chirped happily from the other side as the door swung open.

An incredibly shocked Skeppy was now staring at a very excited BadBoyHalo. The dark hybrid squealed, beaming brightly as he opened the door wide enough for him to enter. Skeppy hesitated a moment, briefly wondering if the universe was trying to make him have friends only to lose them. He wouldn't let it hurt him then.

As he stepped inside he saw a small desk at one corner of the room. It was oak wood and tidy, with a chair tucked under it. A small set of shelves holding a few colorful books was hovering above it, and an old looking lamp perched in the corner of the desktop. Next to it was a bathroom, who's door was slightly askew, letting him barely see the toilet from here. On the opposite side a pair of chairs were seated near one another, a small simple table between them, and a tv against the wall. Directly across from the door was a doorway that opened into a room with a large window somewhere out of sight, which spilled golden beams into the room. Bad closed the door behind him, tail wagging.

"That's the bedroom, there's two beds, but it's only one room." He said a bit awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "If you want though, we can always move one of the beds."

Skeppy shrugged, the other looked adorable with his large happy grin, tail wagging, and glasses slightly tilted on his nose. He shifted the box as Halo led him into the room where two beds were stacked on top of each other, with a window at their foot. Two dressers stood side by side, one had a few picture frames and a decorated box on it. He assumed that one was Bad's. It wasn't a huge room, but nor was it cramped and stuffy, thankfully

"So make yourself at home! I usually sleep on the bottom bunk, but if you want it then it's yours!"

Skeppy smiled but shook his head, setting his suitcase on the ground next to the barren dresser, "Nah, I like the top bunk anyways."

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