Dude... You're Drunk

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“Have you ever heard of Manhunt?” Dream asked one cold January morning.

“No?” Skeppy tilted his head, and everyone at the table perked up, with George speaking with his mouth full next.

“Oh! You should join us! It’s a game we all really love, and it’s super fun dude! Even Halo here joins us.”

Halo smiled a little, “Manners George, finish your food! But. . .yeah, it’s pretty fun.”

“So what’s the game then?”

Dream gave him a coy smile that Skeppy knew by now meant the older boy was about to spill a bunch of plans and mischief to the table. “So it’s a game that George and I came up with. Basically, we set up a little mini arena on a fresh server. Well I say fresh it’s just reset so nobody has any gear, or anything other than their own skills at first. The challenge is to stop and disarm me before I can reach the Ender Dragon boss.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?!” Skeppy asked bewildered.

He had heard of the dragon, and he knew of it pretty well. Most worlds that connected to the end had a large black dragon that soared around and prevented any portal from being open. Sap snorted by his side.

“Hell yeah it is but it’s also so much fun.”

“Language you muffin!”

Everyone giggled a bit between Sapnap’s comment and Bad’s scorning to him, before Dream spoke again, “You guys manage to take me down and take my weapons and gear you win. I kill the dragon first I win.”

Skeppy frowned, that sounded very one sided leaning heavily against Dream. Bad seemed to notice his confusion and began to explain, “Dream is really good as a resource gatherer, he’s also got a lot of practice. So as much as it sounds easy, trust me it isn’t.”

Dream grinned, “So you in?”

Skeppy smirked, “You’re on!”

Such a simple conversation that led to this moment and situation he was in now. With Bad having disarmed Skeppy and pinning him to the wall, faces inches apart, and Skeppy’s heart pounding so loud it was shocking the other couldn’t hear it.

Halo had offered to practice sparring with him as a form of warm up for the game in about a week. Skeppy was by no means an expert in swordsmanship, but he was decent. He was much more confident in his own magic, and his healing magic that he focused on (being able to take away someone’s pain, and just let them rest whether that pain was physical or emotional was a gift itself. Even if he could only do it for a few hours at most). But he had agreed to a duel thinking Halo was probably no better than him. It would be something simple, and be an equal fight.

He was wrong.

Very wrong

Bad had shown up in the small training arena for the older students earlier than they had set, but he was usually always a few minutes early. Wooden swords hung up along the walls, as well as shields and axes, all of which were in varying stages of use and durability. Skeppy opted to sling a shield on his right arm, and the least beaten up looking sword he could find in his left. Bad, who was already there, just a sword and his tail wagged behind him seeing Skeppy, which he turned and swatted at to make it stop with an embarrassed huff. Skeppy giggled seeing him and he got ready, balancing his stance as his opponent grinned and stepped onto the field. A little duel was all it would be. But then. . .

Bad was surprisingly good and fast, he was nimble on his feet, and for being a pacifist the boy was still well trained and skilled in combat. Seeming as if he was honed for fighting, and as if he constantly worked with weapons.

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