~C u r r e n t l y~

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Free was a want
to be, 
because to be free,
doesn't always end with glee.

School feels like a jail,
where you must pass or fail.
To be able to sell,
unlike a snail,
living in it's shell.

Anymore it is homemade,
sometimes like a grenade,
that is about to invade,
all happiness.

All peace, would crease,
and cease to be in one piece. 


Eventually, though,
 I started to grow,
and began to know,
the true meaning of happiness.

At last 
I began to cast,
the memories of the past.

One thing,
began to ring,
into my spring.

As we all know I didn't begin to bother
to tell my father.

It still felt like I had a collar,
and I was hollering,
to let it end.

I began to spin
to try and win
and unpin
the fear within
to tell him.

As I span,
Like a fan,
I also ran,
and began,
The game plan,
for the ban,
of my presence.

It didn't go as planned,
I wasn't banned,
he still left me in the sand,
to try and understand, all by myself.

Although it may be stressful,
hopefully it will turn out successful.

To be filled with glee,
To be he,
and not to be she,
this is my final plea.

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