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A month later~

  The kettle's small opening shook as its high-pitched whistle screamed across the room, alarming Taehyung. He rushed to the kettle, and poured the hot water into the cup, glimpsing over to his new bag of chips that Jimin stared at.
     "Wanna share?" Tae asks, catching Jimin off-guard.

       "Oh.. Um, no that's fine! I just ate." The shortest consoled, batting his eyelashes playfully.
     The tallest sauntered over to his best friend, and placed his slender hands on the shortest's waist.
     "Take the chips, I don't mind." Tae's deep voice is converted to a murmur into the crook of Jimin's warm neck, he tried to change his decision.

      "No, you bought those chips, they're yours." Jimin swat his friend's arm, cackling.

      "My house is your house, why are you so embarrassed? Take the chips, end of discussion." Taehyung remarked, holding Jimin's waist under his shirt.

       The eldest tried to man up, and avoid the fact that he was completely flustered, his cheeks heating up like a bonfire, and his heart pounded like drums in his chest. He nods slowly, and stole Taehyung's lips to kiss them.
     The youngest breathed out a small chuckle as he kissed Jimin back, and set him on the counter.

        Jimin's heart raced quicker and his brain gushed in content thoughts, causing him to pull Taehyung closer. Tae broke the kiss and opened the chips, handing them to Jimin.

      "Enjoy." The tallest purred before ushering back to the kitchen, to focus on his tea. The smallest dragged himself off the counter, and onto the couch.
       "Tae, do you have any plans todaaaayyy?" Jimin yelled the question out, his voice bouncing off the walls.

   "It's three PM, my schedule is empty. But... Aw shit. Remember when Jongin asked you if his parents could come over to have dinner with his parents in your house so he can act like you were his roommate??!" Taehyung groaned out, anticipating Jimin's curiosity.

   "Hm? Yeah. What about it?" The smallest asks.
    "He promised me he would get me an awesome supply of noodles... But he still has an attitude with me, he fucking hates me." Tae explains, a sigh traveling from the depths of his lungs and died out on his tongue.

       "Hey! That's actually great, though! We can all spend time together, and... Jongin's crackhead parents.." Encouraged Jimin whom smiled nervously, watching as Taehyung walked to him.

     Every step he took made Jimin tense up, like some prey fearing their predator. He had no idea why, but when Taehyung was stressed, or serious, he found it very attractive.
     "I only want to be with you. This whole month, you've been in the hospital and I was stuck with Jongin everytime we visited. I'm serious." The youngest scowled.

      "Yah, but don't get mad, for sure you'll have a great time. I can cook..? My mother's recipes are in my phon—." The eldest paused his speaking as Taehyung lifted his chin up roughly.

Jimin gazed up at Tae that seemed pretty annoyed,
     "I'm helping you cook. Now let's get showered, I'll go first, you finish your chips, Jiminie."

     The eldest nodded, grabbing Taehyung's remote controller for the TV, powering on the large television that laid on the wall. After a few couple of minutes, Jimin finally heard the loud droplets of shower water hit the ground.

      He shoved a chip in his mouth, and played a random movie to keep himself distracted. There's this little secret the smallest hid, not that it wasn't obvious, but..
He really likes Taehyung.

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