(1) A new story begins

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   (Y/N) woke up, their eyes darted across the Nursery. They felt their siblings, Gingerkit and Shadekit, sleeping next to them. They also saw their mother, Leafpelt, curling her brown tail around them.

    The night light peered into the nursery.

   (Y/N) stood up and crawled over their mother's tail. The (mostly fur color) kit caught sight of Owlkit and Mossykit playing in one of the corners. The nursery den entrance was wide open.

Option A: (Y/N) runs over to the other kits and plays with them

Option B: (Y/N) sneaks out of the nursery to play outside

Option C: (Y/N) goes back to their mother to sleep

Sorry its short qwq. |
110 words!

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