(3) Time to fly

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If you chose A: (Y/N) drifted off to sleep, and time passed (go to Ending 1)

If you chose B: (Y/N) hopped off the rock and played with the young apprentices and older kits. One of the apprentices were knocked off his footing by (Y/N), and laughed loudly.


   The apprentices and kits played together until one of the older kits almost were picked up by an eagle. Lilacstar and Flamestride started helping the kits and apprentices into sheltered dens.

   (Y/N) was almost swooped up by an eagle, but Lilacstar tackled it to the ground and tore into it's neck. "Are you alright, (Y/N)kit?"
"I-i'm alright, Lilacstar. Thank-you for saving m-me!"
"It's no problem. Now get into the nursery again."
(Y/N) rushed into the nursery and laid next to their siblings and mother, shivering from fear.


A few days later, Y/N finally came out of the nursery and looked up at Lilacstar. This was the day of the first day of their sixth moon as a kit. They were so exited for becoming a warrior! They knew they needed to go through training, so they waited until Lilacstar called a meeting.
"All cats old enough to pluck a bird out of the sky gather around Tallrock for a clan meeting!" Lilacstar yowled, and cats gathered.

"We have reached the point of new apprentices. So we will be giving warriors the event of becoming a mentor." Lilacstar yowled. "(Y/N)kit, Owlkit, Mossykit, Gingerkit, and Shadekit. Please step forward."
The cats stepped forwards.
"You five have reached the age of apprenticehood, and are ready to gain mentors. The new apprentices' suffixes will now be 'paw.'"
(Y/N)paw nodded, along with Mossypaw, Gingerpaw, amd Owlpaw. Shadepaw just looked around nervously.
"Shadepaw, if Flamestride accepts, he will be your mentor." The black and orange tom nodded. His green eyes glanced over to Shadepaw and he sat next to her.

"(Y/N)paw, if Whitetail accepts, he will be your mentor." The tortishell red, white, and orange tom smiled, and nodded. His orange eyes landed on (Y/N)paw. The tom padded over to them and sat next to them.

"Gingerpaw, if Icefur accepts, he will be your mentor" The white and blue tom groaned, but he sat next to Gingerpaw.

"Mossypaw, if Rapclaw accepts, he will be your mentor." The fully black tom bounced over to Mossypaw, sitting next to him.

"Owlpaw, if Goldenscar accepts, he will be your mentor." The golden tom with red and black stripes paddedover to Owlpaw and sat next to her.

"If you have any rejections, please tell me. May Starclan guide your path, clan dismissed." The clan started talking together.

Choice A: Talk with your other friends

Choice B: Talk with your mentor

Choice C: Go to the apprentice's den and sleep.

478 words!   |

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