(2) The choice

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If you chose A: (Y/N) runs to play with the brown and silver Owlkit and the white and grey Mossykit. The two shes threw eachother around and soon threw (Y/N) into an unnoticed thorn bush accidentally. (Y/N)'s cries were heard by a nearby queen and she took the small kit to the Medicine Den. "What are you doing here, Coldstream?" The blind medicine apprentice mewed before hearing the whimpers of (Y/N). The tomcat took the small kit and started pulling out thorns as Coldstream stayed close. "Will (he/she/they) be alright, Blossompaw?" Coldstream asked. Blossompaw answered with a quick "The thorns didn't go into (his/her/their) eyes, so (he/she/they) will be alright." (Y/N) ended up staying in the medicine den for the next day to heal.

" (Y/N) ended up staying in the medicine den for the next day to heal

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If you chose B: (Y/N) made their way out of the nursery. They watched the stars with happiness and ran around. They were picked up by a tall warrior named Bramblethorn. (Y/N) was taken back to the nursery and Leafpelt was woken up alongside (Y/N)'s siblings, Shadekit and Gingerkit. (Y/N) was given a talking to and not allowed to play outside the nursery for the next day.

 (Y/N) was given a talking to and not allowed to play outside the nursery for the next day

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If you chose C: (Y/N) shrugged, trying to jump back over Leafpelt's tail. Leafpelt woke up after (Y/N) made a frustrated mew. Leafpelt picked (Y/N) up and lifted them over her tail. Licking their forehead before going back to sleep.


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A few days later, (Y/N) was lying on a rock, watching the young apprentices play with the older kits.

Option A: keep watching, or try to go to sleep. The medicine cats will keep (Y/N) safe.

Option B: Go play with them.

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