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i woke and the girls had food. " i love y'all too much" i say and they hug me and we eat.
i had no clothes no nothing, my credit cards and money was in mattias car, all i had was my phone, and a private number was ringing,i answered.
"yes" i say
"y/n" yup it was mattia
i hung up straight away and told the girls, "hes obsessed" taylor says, "let's go get your things" vic says and i shake my head, "i don't wanna go back there, like ever" i say and they nod. "just wear some of our clothes then" taylor says and i clap and run over to their bags. i love their style in clothes so much, i was hoping they'd say that. "well since your gonna be living in our clothes i think we should go get more" vic says, "y'all can i don't wanna risk running into mattia or the boys" i say and they nod, "k we'll be back in a few" taylor says. they left and i laid in bed, i found myself thinking about mattia and i felt a tear escape my eye. "fuck" i say and wipe my eyes and sit up, "fuck mattia polibio" i say to myself.
there was a knock at the door and i laugh knowing the girls probably forgot something, i pull the door open "what did you for-" i cut myself off and frown. "piss off" i say, mattia stood there. his eyes were red and he stood with a purpose, i tried to slam the door but he stopped it. "wait" he says, "why are you here, shouldn't you be with jenna or something" i shrug and attempt to close the door again. "just listen y/n" he says with his foot in the door, "what if i don't want to" i say, "please" he says, "no, and i'm collecting my things later on today so see you around yeah?" i say and his head drops, "babe please" he says. "can you not, just give me time" i say and he nods before leaving. i slam the door shut and slide down it, i cried for a bit before getting in the shower to cry more. why did he have to do this to me.

a few hours went by and the girls had just got back, they pulled me into a hug as i explained what had happened, "we should have never left" taylor says, "it's fine" i say, "no it's not, he's a fucking idiot" vic says and i giggle a bit.
"i asked my friends if they could help get my things, i'm moving back in with my parents" i say and they nod, "who" vic says, "remember them dudes i use to chill with when mattia and the boys pissed me off" i say, "oh my god they had the best glow up" taylor says, and i laugh "you sure that's a good idea" vic says and i frown, "yeah why" i ask, "how do you think mattias gonna act when dudes pull up with you" she says, "who cares not like i'm gonna fuck them" i laugh.

the boys pulled up and we left to get my things, "you sure your good y/n" matthew asks, "yes i just need my things" i say, "we just getting her shit and leaving y'all" journey says to the other three who were pissed at mattia, matthew, dave and jake nod.
we pulled up and went straight in, no knocking nothing. the boys were sat on the couch crowding mattia as he cried. "pathetic" jake mumbled and i punched his shoulder, "just get my shit and leave, keep your comments to yourself" i say to him, he rolls his eyes and we go upstairs.
everyone just watched as we went in and out with my things. "that's the last of it" i say to matthew and dave. jake disappeared somewhere, and the other three waited in the car. "mattia" i shout, "mattia fucking polibio" i continue to shout. i walked around and finally found him in the basement with jake tied to the chair. "he talks a big game" mattia says, "let him go fucking idiot" i say as i tried to untie him. mattia snatched my wrist and pulled me away, "what did you think would happen, huh" mattia says, "let me go" i say and try getting out his grip. he pinned my hand above my head and held it tight, "why so you can go fuck the lot of them" he asks, and i roll my eyes, "no because unlike you i can control myself" i smile, "actually you know what, i might just go ahead and do that, not like we are together right?" i smirk. his other hand came up and gripped my throat, "please do, i promise you'll regret it" he says in my ear making my breathing hitch. i manage to push him off me and he smirks, "bet" i say.
i untie jake and i tell him go wait in the car, he glared at mattia "you sure" he says and i nod, he left and i looked at mattia. "don't touch either of them" i say and he shrugs, "will you listen to what i got to say" he says, "nope" i say, "well then i guess i'll have to do something about those boys" he says and walks away from me. i push past him and try walk out, my arm got tugged back "i mean it y/n, no funny shit" he narrows his eyes, i pull away and continue to walk. "but hey when your finish being stubborn your welcome to come back and LISTEN" he says before i leave the house.

a/n: i googled boy names for those dudes lol random asl, but should i do a smut or not because i feel annoying when i do smuts lol. like if y'all say no then i won't but yeah just asking, ok bye❤️

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