What other people think of your relation ship

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-Toga: there so cute together! And now that (u)'s around dabi's been a lot nicer! *Dabi rolls eye's* *(u) sweat drops*
-Twice: there fun to work with! There so lame
-Kugiri: there a wonderful team and a big help to the league
-Shigaraki: I hate both there guts *(u) restrains Dabi from beating the shit of of Shigaraki*
-Hero's: were screwed


-Deku: (u) keeps Bocogo from killing me so In my opinion there a grate couple *deku smiles nervously*
-Mr.azawa: (u)'s been a big help in keeping Bocogo under control *trying to stay awake*
-Todoroki: Bocogo's annoying -_- *bocogo glares trying not to lose his cool infront of (u)*
-Bocogo's mom: I really don't get what you see in him (u) "ALRIGHT IM NOT ALL THAT FUCKING BAD!!!"


-mr.azawa: as long as (u)'s happy
-Bocogo: if he makes (u) cry and I find out about it I'm gonna beat his 1-B ass to a pulp *monoma restrains him self from lashing out*
-Kendo: (u) I really do think you could do better *monoma: gee thanks kendo-_-*


-deku: they work wonderfully together
-momo: I wish them the best of luck!
-uaraka: I wish I had a romance like there's!!!
-Mr.azawa: they'd work well together in the field


-everyone thought you guy's were ADORABLE!
-not exactly sure who "everyone" is tho 😅

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