Chapter 8- aw f*ck. I can't beleive you've done this.

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*Tw homophobic slurs (I'll give another warning closer to where I use them)*

6.28 pm, Jade and Tori's appartment
Tori's POV

"Ugh what do you wear for a first date? Is it even a date? What if it's not? But what if it is?"                  I muttered to myself.

  I was getting ready for my date(?) with Allan and I was so nervous. I wanted to make the right impression, but I didn't want to go over the top and him to think I was desperate.

Eventually I decided on a teal, knee-length dress. It was simple, loosely fitted, brought in at the waist by a pale blue sash, and paired with a pale blue cardigan.

With a little bit of makeup, I was ready to go. It was only 6.40, so I decided to go and make myself  a cup of tea.

(A/n I'm British, idk what Americans drink so hush.)

I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me.

"Wow, you look good, slightly overdressed for this modest apartment, but good. Who's the lucky guy? Or girl, or whatever other gender they identify as, I don't judge."                                                     Jade smirked from behind me.

"Guy. I'm not gay."                                                                                                                                                                 I answered slightly drily.

I smiled a little.                                                                                                                                                                       "And it's Allan. We're going to the Alessandro for dinner."


Jade's POV

My heart sank. Seriously? Allan? It had to be him didn't it? I wished it was anyone but him. I hated him, he gave me terrible vibes, but I knew I had to be supportive, for Tori. I just hoped that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. If he did, I'd smash his stupid face- Stop Jade. Happy. Think happyyyy thoughts.

"Awe that's so cool, bet you're excited!"              

I exclaimed happily, moving towards Tori. Finally breaking the icy tension that had separated us all day, and wrapping her in a quick hug.

"I am, I think he's the one Jadey."
Tori smiled.

I smiled back, hiding the sadness.

"I'm so happy for you." I said. "And I really hope you're right." I added silently.

"Tea?" The Latina asked.



We were sitting down with our tea, waiting for Allan to arrive when Tori asked. The one question that I really wished she wouldn't.

"So how about you? Anyone you're interested in?"

She asked it innocently enough, but it made my stomach twist into a knot and my heart rate increase from 76 to 150bpm in less than a second. She had that effect on me, which was exactly why I didn't want her to ask.

"Uh, no. Not really."
I lied.

Tori frowned.
"You sure? You can talk to me. You know I won't judge."
She said dubiously.

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