entry 004 ; semi eita

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،، heartbeats and guitar strings

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،، heartbeats and guitar strings


For her, music was like a gallery. Each painting representing a different piece of composition. The many tales of Bach and Beethoven. Classical music, always playing softly at the back of her mind. The comfort of the violin, soothing her soul, and the piano that never failing to aid her turn her emotions into sound. The latter was the one she grew up with. It was her first and only love. She had experience in playing other instruments, however nothing compared to the sensation she felt on the tips of her fingers whenever she pressed the piano keys.

For him, music was a type of freedom. From a young age he was seeking for something to give him the feeling of liberty as well as filling this empty hole he had in his heart. He was looking for a passion to set him free. It was the strings of his uncle’s guitar that did the trick for him. He had tried many sports and activities while he was in school, but nothing satisfied him more than the sound of the guitar. For him, rock music was a breath of life into his lungs. It filled the void, it made him feel something strong. The moment he was playing with his band, was the moment he felt most alive.

Being a music major was hard, for both of them. As much as they loved music, their passion could only get them so far. Most of their assignments required creativity. None of them was lacking that, but the pressure of having to finish a piece in a predetermined time wore these young ones off. The stress of meeting the deadline was an object that would often limit their creativity. However, there were some tasks that would bring them joy, especially to Eita. Rearrangements.

Rearranging songs was by far his favourite thing in college. The joy and bliss he felt whenever he could combine his own ideas along with his favourite artists never failed to make him excited. When it comes to rearrangement it’s as if his ideas flow so fast like a wild river. But perhaps not this time. His current assignment required him to rearrange a classical piece, and truth be told, he had completely no idea. He didn’t dislike classical music, but he wasn’t much interested in it either. Never had a proper impression of it since he was invested in rock and alternative.

Eita sighed as he walked out of his lecture hall. It was the last lecture of the day for the college, everyone else had already finished. He thought about going out with his friends to their usual spot, but he had to present this rearranged piece in two weeks from today, and if he didn’t want to fail, he should definitely start doing some research on his topic. A small frown made its way to his lips as he let his friends know he would most likely miss band practice and their night out.

He decided to make his way to the campus library. There were three hours left before it closed for the day and he thought it would be best to use that time wisely. He was aware of the fact that he could search these things online but the librarian was rather helpful and would guide anyone to the right books. ‘That would give me a good head-start before I decide to look on my own’ he told himself as he walked down the corridor.

As he was about to exit the main building, a melody caught his ear. He thought he had heard it before. He stood there wondering where did he know it from but before he decided to drop it and move on, curiosity got the best of him. Unconsciously his feet dragged him closer to the source of music and there he stood in front of a door that was barely open. Semi decided to peek his head inside just a little bit. A small gasp left his soft lips as he recognized the melody along with the person playing it.

It was a beautiful young lady, and though cheesy as it may appear, it was probably the sweetest person he had ever met. No, he wasn’t aware of her name, however he had bumped into her a few weeks ago as he was rushing in his favourite cafe. Never had he ever seen someone with a smile as sweet as hers, back then he thought she had looked the prettiest, oh how wrong he was. It was now that she looked that prettiest.

Her fingers delicately pressing the piano keys. Each note perfectly on the tempo that had been set for the song. Her eyes focused on the sheet of paper in front of her. She was passionate, and he could tell from her aura. Time had stopped for him and her as well. The pair had been lost in the different sounds of the piano. The song finished and without a second thought, the male started clapping, unaware of the fact that he had sneaked in.

The girl jolted from her seat in surprise. Eyes widening in shock, but soon softened as she remembered the familiar visage she had come across a few weeks ago. She gave a small smile to those eyes her brain, now, forever remembered. Those chocolate brown irises that stole her breath away the first time she saw them. She was so drawn into his eyes she had barely taken a look at the rest of his features. She took her time studying his face before gesturing him to come inside.

Eita had forgotten he was standing at the door this whole time and walked in, looking around the music room. He hadn’t been in this room, he made a guess that it was for the classical music majors. As he approached the female, he apologized for walking in like that. And there she went, with her soft smile and sweet giggle telling him it was alright, just like that time at the cafe. Curiosity got the best of her as well as she asked him how he ended up here.

The male scratched the back of his head as he explained how the song she was playing was one he was assigned to rearranged, and didn’t fail to mention how lost he was when it came to classical music. “Instead of going to the library, I could help you” she said waiting for his response. “I wouldn’t want to burden you” he replied looking away and shaking his head. “You must be joking” she laughed and continued “it would help me remember things as well”.

Semi thought about it a bit. It would help him if someone told him the important things about this piece and its creator instead of him having to go through countless books with way too many information. He agreed saying they should meet at that cafe tomorrow, his treat. “Wait” she said “I never caught your name” as she put her bag over her shoulder. “Semi Eita” “(L/N) (F/N)” they smiled at each other and started walking out the building.

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