Chapter 17, Prairie.

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 I looked around. I felt so bad. When it was happening, I was aware, but I couldn't stop. My actions were out of control. I couldn't do anything, I wasn't me, except for my eyes, and thoughts. I had to watch in utter fear and horror as Cody used me to destroy the people I loved.

I am now conscious of my entire self. I don't know what to do. Some weird, were human or something I hear Alex calling Ej was leaning near Noe with some sort of medical kit.

I pulled Alex off to the side, "Alex, what is he doing?"

"He is checking over Noe... You kinda attacked her," Alex said

"So, he's trustworthy? He's not going to hurt my girl?"

"He would never hurt a creepypasta... Unless Slenderman tells him...," Alex said.

"What do you mean My little girl is perfectly normal, except for the fact she is part Beyond!" I yelled

"Ok, ok chill. Slenderman is the leader to all of us, he is able to tell us what to do. Ej here is the only medic and is looking over Noe because you attacked her!" Alex yelled back.

"That's not the point, what do you mean Noe is a creepypasta? Oh and quick question.... What is a #%#% creepypasta?"

"Don't be cussing there is a CHILD in this room, where are your manner?" Slenderman yelled.

"I can do whatever I want in the presence of my child, thank you," I said, mad that this CREATURE was trying to tell me how to parent my kid. I doubt he has kids, so what does he know?

"I can hear your, child, you know that? I do have kids, Masky, Hoodie, Ej, Lj, Sally, Lizari, Clockwork, Jeff, Jane, Ticci Toby, Ben, Trenderman, Splendermen, Offenderman, smile dog, ginny cat, Alex, and Noe." Slenderman said.

"Noe isn't your KIDDDDDDDDD!" I screamed. Suddenly, powers I didn't know I had shot Slenderman across the room and had him in a handsfree headlock. I had control of like, the force from star wars or something.

"What the heck?" Alex said confused.

"Ummm how did you do that?" Ej asked in confusion.

"You are right, Noe isn't my kid. She isn't my baby goat," Slenderman said, rubbing his head. I tightened the headlock, and somehow, I was able to lock his mouth shut.

"Prarie stop! We need him!" Alex shouted at me.

"For what?" I snapped.

"For missions, Noe, and... Zalgo" I said.

I teleported Noe into the room. Then, I snapped my fingers and she was fine.

"Okay, maybe just missions and Zalgo," Alex said.

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