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I've made the decision to go to college in Canada. The University of Toronto. My mom and I are really close, so she was really sad that I was going to be so far away. I'm from New York, yes the big apple. My dad left when I was a couple months old although I'm glad I never met him, from what my mom says, he was a loser. I don't know why, but every time she talks about him, I can tell she loves him. I think she hates him as well, but love is somewhere in there for him. I've never understood why people love the ones who do the most harm.

I didn't have many friends. I'd have one every now and then, but they'd always find someone better. Maybe I have a bad personality, or I just attract the wrong people but nonetheless I don't really have someone other than my mom to be sad I'm gone. Once I'm out of college I'm going to be a psychologist or a therapist. I've always been fascinated with the mind and how it works. Like a snowflake not two brains can works the exact same way, and I intend to learn about as many peoples inner workings as possible.

My romantic life is pretty bleak. Although one time someone asked me out. but turns out they just wanted to see if I'd show. That was pretty humiliating, but college Is going to be different. This isn't high school, no one knows me here. It's not new York, it's not even the US. If I just act confident then things will be better, I hope.

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