Chapter 3: Caught

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(Smarty's POV)

I woke up next to Galm and I quickly leave the bed, I had a dream about him and I have no idea why and now I have a boner.. I walk to the bathroom quicky turn on the shower and get in after stripping. I wash most of my body then I try to take care of my problem.

"Go away.." I growl at it.

"You're talking to your dick can you be weirder?" I ask myself.

"Smarty?" I hear Galm yell. Shit.

"Yea?" I yell back.

"You okay? You need anything?" He asks.

"No.. Not right now.." I say.

"Okay.. Yell if you need anything.." He says.

"Why are you being nice to me?!" I ask but not loud enough for him to hear. I look down and realize my problem is still here, so I decide to take care of it like a normal guy would.

"Just bite your lip.. And he wont hear you moan.." I do as I said and once I'm done I try to clean up the mess I made.

"How did it get that high?!" I ask myself, I get out and dry off and realize Galm put clothes in here for me.

"Awe that was nice of-... He was in here?!" I ask myself. I put the clothes on then walk out messing with my hair.

"You're loud.." He says from behind me I jump and face him.

"What?" I ask.

"You moan loudly.." He says, I go a bright red.

"I don't know what you're talking about.." I say.

"Smarty I was in there for a bit.. I saw what you were trying to get rid of.." He says.

"Dude... Not cool.." I groan.

"I was just trying to help you by giving you clothes.." He says.

"Still.. You saw me naked.. It's weird.." I say.

"Whatever.." He says and goes into the bathroom.

"You better have cleaned up after yourself.." He yells out before shutting the door.

"I hate you.." I mumble, but deep down I know I'm lying, he's a good friend.

"You used all the hot water!" I hear him yell.

"Sorry!" I yell back. He comes out later all dressed.

 "You suck.." He says.

"That's your job.." I joke.

"I'm not gay.. You are.." He says, oh I see where this is going.. Game On!

"Whatever I've had more girlfriends than you have.." I say.

"They were all trans.." He smirks.

"No they weren't.. You're last girlfriend was though.." I say.

"No she wasn't.." He says.

"Oh.. HE never told you?" I ask smirking.

"Whatever.." He says.

"I bet you have a crush on one of your friends.." I try to joke, but he goes red.

"What?! No that's you... You totally like Tom.." He says.

"Why are you red?" I ask.

"What? I'm not.." He says and walks past me.

"Galm.. Do you like someone?" I ask.

"M-Maybe.." He says.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" I ask.

"B-Boy.." He mumbles.

"Who?!" I get in front of him.

"N-No one.." He looks down.

"Galm come on.. Who?!" I ask excitedly.

(Galm's POV)

He wont stop asking me who.. I have to think of something so I don't say him. Oh Tom I'm so sorry..

"Do you really wanna know?" I ask.

"Yes!" Smarty says happily.

"I like...." I start.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Tom" I mumble. I'm so sorry!!

"Really? That's kinda cute.." He says.

"He's striaght though right?" He asks.

"Yea.." I say.

"Sorry man.." He says, I shrug, then someone bangs on the door.

"Coming.." I get up and answer it, it's Tom.

"I need to talk to you.." He says to me, I nod and walk out with him, I look back and Smarty and he gives me a thumbs up.

"I need a favor.." He says.

"Anything.." I say.

"Pretend to be gay with me?" He asks.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Cause.. I like Sparklez but he thinks I like someone else and I used you.." He says, I start laughing.

"This isn't funny!" He growls.

"No it is! Because I just did the same thing with Smarty!" I say.

"You like him?" He asks.

"Yea.." I look down.

"Well perfect.. We pretend to be gay together until we get up the courage to tell the people we really love that we love them.. Deal?" He asks and puts his hand out.

"Deal!" I say and we shake on it.

"Love you Galm.." He says jokingly.

"Love you too Tom.." I say and try to hold back a laugh.

"We're gonna have to work on that.." He says, I nod.

"But until then.. You like Smarty?" He asks again.

"Shut up.." I growl.

"It's adorable.." He says.

"Tom!" We hear Sparklez yell, we turn and look at him, Tom quickly grabs my hand.

"OMG he said yes! Good juob man!" Sparklez hits Tom's back, you can see the pain in Tom's eyes, I hug him quickly.

"Galm are you and Tom done.. Dude! are you with him now?!" Smarty asks happily I end up gripping Toms back tightly.

"I guess we're both gonna be hurt for awhile.." Tom whispers in my ear.

"Yup.." I whisper back.

"I'll see you later.." Tom says backing up, then he blows a kiss at me, I hold back a laugh.

"Bye.." I say and then go back into my room and lay on my bed.

"Should we head to the convention?" Smarty asks.

"Sure.." I say and get up, we all meet up I look at Tom and he reaches out for my hand, I take his and we walk together.

"I ship it!" We hear both Sparklez and Smarty yell, we squeeze each others hands to deal with the hurt. then we head out to a car and head to the convention.

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