longing ― TWO

133 17 5

Hi hi lol school once again is killing me but I try 

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Bam appeared, and against all odds he looked around and,

passed right by us.

Rachel and I looked at each other, both shocked and scared. But I wasn't sure if it was for the same reasons...

"Why is he here?" Rachel hissed in my ear. 

"I don't know, why do you think I know!?" I whispered back, sweating.

"Well you got here when you weren't supposed to!"

"I didn't meant to!"

"But you're here nonetheless!"

"And how does that tie to Bam being here!?"

"Quiet! He might hear us!"

"Well you're the one who shouted first, plus he can't hear or see us!"

"How do you know that!?"

"It's called common sense and observation skills you little-"

Bam conversed with the rabbit as the two of us argued once again. This is, what? The dozenth time we've argued with her? We argued back then but not as much as this...

Amidst all the chaos, the rabbit grinned even wider, showing more of its pointy white teeth. Why was a rabbit so menacing?

"I...I followed a girl here!" 

We both stopped at that, jerking our heads to Bam.

"Didn't a blonde girl go past here?" 

Blonde...did he even think of me? My face fell as Rachel's was distorted with horror. But why? Didn't she want all of us to go up the tower, the three of us?

Or did she have ulterior motives?

Looking at her horror-struck face, I wondered if she was really the sister I grew up with. But while I was distracted with questions, I didn't notice the rabbit point it's staff at me and I-


"Ugh..." Groaning, I felt like shit. Real shit, that just climbed out of a dumpster and was hella dehydrated. 

A familiar face popped up, grinning it's pointy-teeth smile once again. "Hello. It seems as though you're awake." 

No duh. If I wasn't then I wouldn't be seeing you.

"...it seems as though you're an asshole."

Laughing, the rabbit held out a hand to help me up. I grabbed it and tried to yank him down, but he wouldn't budge. Guess I'll have to stick with glaring for now.

"What do you want. What happened? Where's Rachel." Muttering out that last word, I secretly hoped she was back outside of the tower. 

"She's up the tower, along with Bam." 

What- "WHAT?!" That was the worst thing that could've happened, both Rachel and Bam leaving me behind for the tower. 

Marching up to the rabbit, I picked him up by the collar, shouting. "Let me in the tower or so I swear-" 

Cutting me off, the rabbit suddenly appeared elsewhere, out of my grasp. "Now, now, no need to get so rough." 

Grumbling, I sat down, out of energy. "...What."

"Let me explain." 

Sitting down in front of me, there began my first clue of who I was and just how much I mattered to the tower. 

"It all began when the fire nation attacked-" 

(a/n ok ok i'll get serious now-)

"It all began when the Queen was pregnant with King Jahad's baby. Only residents in the palace knew of this, it would be a great weakness for enemies to exploit. This pregnancy was kept secret, no one know 'till this day." 

"Except me. And you." I deadpanned. 

"...There's exceptions to the secret. I'll get to that soon enough, let me continue." Taking a deep breath, the rabbit started his tale again. "Once the Queen was nearing the end of her pregnancy, King Jahad gathered five of his most trusted rankers, giving them a mission." 

Changing the pitch of his voice, the rabbit spoke. "You five are my most trusted, my allies throughout the years. I give you a mission, starting once my wife has given birth."

"What is it my lord? We will do whatever you tell us to do." The other four echoed the question.

Changing his voice again, the rabbit started speaking the king's words. "The mission is to protect and teach my daughter. Protect her from the dangers that endanger a child's early years. Teach her the ways of fighting and wisdom once she is ready. Make her the best princess she could ever be, so that the next generation of the tower may have a ruler fit for it's residents." 

"...I wouldn't know it from your appearance, but you're really good at telling stories." y/n interrupted to give a compliment, she was enjoying this experience. 

"Thank you, nobody ever believes me. Now, let's continue." 

Continuing the story, the rabbit said the next line in story. "But Your Majesty, what about you? You will be unprotected." 

"You think that I can't protect myself? I'm perfectly capable of defending my life, I've done it for eons longer than you five." 

The soldiers flinched at the King's tone, menacing and stern. 

"But I ask of you, please protect my daughter to keep her safe. Teach her to defend herself to keep her safe. That's all I ask of you." The king's tone changed once again, soft and desperate. 

The five of the rankers agreed right away, happiness and reassuring that they would protect his daughter to his full extent. 

Truth be told, the rankers were actually annoyed at first that the king had summoned him, but they left the king's chambers with a heart full of plans and happiness for the daughter's arrival. 

Everyone was counting on the arrival. 

The Queen.

The King.

The Rankers.

The servants.

The citizens outside of the palace, even if they didn't know it.

Everyone was waiting with baited breath for the arrival of the Jahad ruler. 

But what happened next was something that no one expected. No one ever expected the next events that played out, the absolute opposite of what was supposed to happen. 

"So what happened next?" y/n was now fully into the story, stars shining in her eyes. 

"Well..." Looking behind y/n, the rabbit saw the faintest glint of light and promptly pushed y/n back into the bubble. "You have to hide for now, other guests are coming." 

"What! I wanted to hear the rest of the story!" 

"You will, I just have to deal with the other guests first." 


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

so that was a shitty ending but like i literally cannot type anymore i want to get this chapter published alsdjfalskdfja anyways uhh hoped you liked bc i liked it ig hehe and i also hope you like the new cover bc i spent the majority of the day re-doing all of the covers of my books/drafts hehe 

ily you little snowballs


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