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They say that Love Stories are made in heaven, and that two people eventually find their soulmates during the course of their lives with whom they are destined to have a happily ever after. However, they stay with each other only for a finite period of time. After all, we all are simply mortal human beings.

But what if a "forever" does exist?

After all Leher's Love Story wasn't the one made in heaven. The Devil himself had woven the plot of her story and had started pulling the strings from the moment Arnav walked into her life.

Who was Arnav? He was an evidence of the existence of a "forever".

But will he give it to Lehar? And most importantly will she accept this at the cost of all her happiness? After all we all have to lose something to gain something.

So will she be willing to do this, to take chances, risk her everything and reveal the secrets of the mysterious Arnav?

Because in the end, their story was made in hell by the Devil himself, and it was Not Just A Love Story.

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