Let me bleed

80 20 14

I don't want to give this a thought
But it's just as I thought.
Everyone's against me.
I'm alone in the fight for dignity.
My allies have become my enemies.
My paradise is now a warzone.
I keep trying to miss the bullets but they are hard to miss walking at such a slow pace.
What's worse?
I've failed to see
That the world is against me.
Sympathy has blinded me.
I enjoy helping them when they are in need
But what do I get in return?
Envy, hatred, ingratitude.
Like bullets they hit me in the face.
They pierce my heart like daggers
And prick me like thorns.
And now I'm here
Bleeding and bloody
Waiting for death
Who wants nothing to do with me.

Here I am on the battlefield,
Torn and broken inside
Awaiting my saviour.
If he exists, let him come to my aid.
If death is my portion, to him I shall go.
Tell my enemies I still love them
And I forgive them.
Tell my friends to let me bleed
As a reminder that I made wrong choices.

In The Murky Depths Of My Tortured Soul Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora